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Bulged scalp hairline years after transplant


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  • Regular Member

Hi all, I have had my HT back in 2016, doesn't matter where, but at one of the recommended clinics.

Long story short, after great results, over the years I kept losing my transplanted hair so I now shave or buzz my hair.

I noticed by touch, that along the right side of the hairline the scalp is bulged. I  attached a photo to show you can see it is bulged in the hairline and a small bulge behind it.

Left side is Ok. This is persistent since I got the transplant, but I noticed it only now after shaving. It is a little bit sensitive if I buzz it to hard with the machine, comparing to other parts of the scalp.

Is it harmful? Or harmless? What can I do about it?

Talking with the clinic about it 5 years in delay, sounds a bit awkward, but I wanted to know if it is common or you already seen something like that.

P.S - I don't know if this is the right forum to post it, so please let me know


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