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New with ?'s about follicular unit's


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(I posted this message in the wrong area before)

I'm interested in having a follicular unit procedure but would like to know who are the best in this field and about hairlines and scarring. Also I am hispanic with the hair texture of a black male is transplant surgery right for me?



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(I posted this message in the wrong area before)

I'm interested in having a follicular unit procedure but would like to know who are the best in this field and about hairlines and scarring. Also I am hispanic with the hair texture of a black male is transplant surgery right for me?



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  • Senior Member

Hi Methodical,


Welcome to the HTN forum! icon_smile.gif No one can answer your question "is hair transplant surgery right for me" than you yourself. Please allow me to explain.


A decision to undergo a HT procedure can only be made from an "informed" basis. You must be aware of "all" of the options available for treating hairloss including medications. A HT procedure should be your last consideration "after" you have explored what might be best for you and only you.


I want to encourage you to first consider your age. If you are 25 years of age or younger, surgery should be out of the question. Why? Men who are that young really have no idea where their hairloss is headed. And many of us have observed over the years that the earlier hairloss starts in men (late teens, early twenties), the more potential for advanced hairloss to occur later in life. Consider your family history in that if there is advanced hairloss on either side of your family, it could very well happen to you. None of us want to experience this level of hairloss, but it is a genetic trait we receive from our blood relatives, something we have no control over.

Please understand I am not insisting that you are going to have dramatic hairloss, but family history is part of the facts to consider. icon_rolleyes.gif


Genetic hairloss does not occur all at once. That's why the younger one is, the better chances one has to utilize medications like Propecia (finasteride) to help in slowing down this hairloss. Propecia is effective in approximately 95% of the men who take it for a year or longer and has very little chances of side-effects. It does require a prescription to get started so you will want to see a doctor, ideally a HT doctor or dermatologist, one who is experienced in treating hairloss.


The very first step is a clinical diagnosis of your hairloss. Most of us assume that our hairloss is genetic but there are other causes that may not be genetic. It is very important that you know for sure that you have MPB and possibly you have already done this.


Hair transplant surgery can be very successful in the hands of a good competent HT surgeon. All of us should know the pros and cons, the benefits as well as the risks associated with it. And we should know what type of candidates we are for a life-time consideration. Remember, the available donor we have is limited yet genetic hairloss is a life-time event. That is why the more natural hair that we can save now, the less surgery we will need in the future, and hopefully have enough donor for the areas that we cannot save.


After considering all of the facts along with your own situation, then and only then can you decide if HT surgery is right for you. icon_smile.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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The major difference between FUE and FUT is the way the hair is harvested and the resulting scar. The cost factor is also different. FUE is done by extraction of one follicle at a time and implanting it immediately. It is a newer procedure but one that is growing in popularity. FUT is the gold standard used successfully by many respected surgeons. For someone who wears a very short hair cut and the cost is not a factor they may wish to consider FUE. It can be more expensive but you do not have the linear scar in the back just a diffuse thinning in the donor region. FUT is a surgical extraction of tissue and hair closed with sutures or staples. It usually heals to less than 1/2 mm in width but is long. It will depend on the degree of loss how long the incision is.

There are doctors who do both procedures and there are some who only do one or the other. If you put in FUE or FUT in the find mode it will give you lots of feedback.

Hair transplants work in all ethnics. Someone who has coarse hair that is dark usually gets better coverage because it has the illusion of more hair than someone blessed with fine thin hair.

Do lots of research on the doctors who are recommended. An informed decision is the key.


Good Luck,


DR. Jerry Cooley's assistant

Ailene Russell, NCMA

Dr. Jerry Cooley's personal assistant and clinical supervisor for Carolina Dermatology Haircenter. My postings are my own opinion and may not reflect Dr. Cooley's opinion on any subject discussed.


Dr. Jerry Cooley is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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