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beginning to worry about growth.

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  • Regular Member


I am about 8.5-9 months out from 2600 grafts last July.

I am starting to worry because I have to look really hard to notice any appreciable growth at this point.

I can admit there has been some, but negligable and certainly nothing worth the money that was spent.

Worse, the right side of my scalp above the scar is still numb and not appreciably better either to this point.

I have posted about that issue before four months ago and told it was too early yet for the numbness.

My question is, should I be worrying at this point about the lack of hair growth and numbness or should I be giving it more time yet before approaching the surgeon about it.


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  • Senior Member

In my view you won't see any new growth after 9 months, although you may get some more thickening of the hairs that are already growing.


The only caveats I would add are that growth in the crown tends to take longer than the front. Also, if you had any previous surgery in the recipient area that could slow down growth as well.


At this stage it would maybe be useful if you can post pre op, immed post op and 'today' pictures for more feedback.


Regarding the numbness along the scar - I'm not sure about that. Again, I'd expect it to be almost back to normal by now. I'm nearly 7 months post op, and I still have a touch of numbness but it still seems to be improving gradually.

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You can post pictures by going to "New" and "Photo Album". This will create a new topic and give you the ability to add multiple photos. For the best advice and feedback, I'd encourage you to upload multiple photos of your scalp before surgery and the results. If you have pictures of your scalp immediately after surgery, this would be helpful also.


Please also provide surgical details including the number of grafts, where they were placed, etc.


New growth is possible up to 18 months, though typically minimal after 9 to 12 months unless you are a notoriously slow grower. A lot of thickening and maturation can still occur between 9 to 12 months as well.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Will you share with us who did your surgery?


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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