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shedding on finasteride


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  • Regular Member

I have been taking finasteride for about 3.5 months and rogaine foam for about 1.5 months and my hair was getting thick on the back and sides of my head. now all my hair on the back and sides of my head is shedding very quickly. should i keep taking rogaine and finasteride is this a normal shed( i dont put the rogain on the sides or back of my head)

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  • Regular Member

I have been taking finasteride for about 3.5 months and rogaine foam for about 1.5 months and my hair was getting thick on the back and sides of my head. now all my hair on the back and sides of my head is shedding very quickly. should i keep taking rogaine and finasteride is this a normal shed( i dont put the rogain on the sides or back of my head)

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