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Almost 2 years later with Dr. Bhatti (extremely happy with results) - white male 27


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It’s been about 1 year and 8 months since I did my operation with Dr. Bhatti (did operation in July of 2019). I never left a review because I’m a big believer in seeing final results. Now almost 2 years later, I can show you pictures and results.

I was 27 when I did the operation. Currently 28, about to be 29. White male from NYC.

The quick summary: I am beyond satisfied. I look at my hair every day and think of how fortunate I am to have gone through with this. I am so much happier, so much more confident. When I look back at where my hair was, it’s crazy to think about the change that occurred. And I owe all of that to Dr. Bhatti.

I see others on here have talked more in depth about the process, so I’ll spare you the details. What I do want to share is that my close relative, my cousin, did the surgery with one of the top doctors in the tristate area, for a lot of money (money wasn’t a concern to him), and it failed - absolutely no results. Dr. Bhatti said it was done wrong, and instantly said he could fix his, and confirmed mine would be successful, unlike his. Someone my cousin knew had done the operation with Dr. Bhatti and it went well, which is how I found out about Dr. Bhatti.

I think one of the main differences between the American doctor is that post surgery, there wasn’t all that much involved. Whereas for me with Dr. Bhatti, there was a several month long process and detailed care and attention. I do want to add that I am extremely detail oriented, and made sure to follow all instructions exactly. I honestly even annoyed Dr. Bhatti and his staff with many questions because I wanted to make sure it worked perfectly. While at times I sensed some annoyance from them with me, they ultimately kept answering all of my questions and helping me, even way past the surgery. One piece of advice though, is to go with someone who can help take care of your you and your head. Again, I paid close attention and did everything myself carefully - but having a helper, or partner, would make things 10 times easier.

I will be honest: there were some moments of pain. During the extraction, there were a couple of spots where I felt pain. Dr Bhatti had said my scalp was extremely sensitive (not the standard for people) and gave me some more anesthesia in the areas. Also, post surgery, I was supposed to wait and take pills with dinner, but then the front top of my head started to really hurt - I messaged the doctor and he said to take the pills already. Pain killers (the meds his team provided) definitely helped. The first few nights are the toughest, trying to sleep, but not really laying down. Definitely didn't sleep all that well or much the first few nights.

Without continuing and writing a whole book here — in the end, any pain was well worth it. I've completely forgotten about those details and only see the result. The amount of compliments I got from family and friends is incredible. I am so happy with the work Dr. Bhatti did. And this is coming from someone who came all the way from NYC to a little doctor’s office in India for the first time.

































Edited by DKNYC
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19 minutes ago, Kharmacoma said:

Looks good! How many grafts did you put in the front and how many grafts for crown?

Honestly, I don't remember since it was so long ago. I have it written down on a piece of paper, but no clue where that is right now. Sorry.

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