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Hair transplant for 2660 at HDC Hair Clinic


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I am now 12 days after my 2ndFUE. I have taken some photos showing the front and top area of my hair, including the enhancement of the hairline. I have also taken a photo of how my crown looks at this stage. I am sharing these photos with you.

I would like to note that the area is now clean of scabs, and I hope the result will be like this when it grows.

I would also like to share two educational articles from our website with you.

First one is how should your transplant look the first 10 days after your surgery.

How should I look a few days after my FUE Hair Transplant Surgery? - YouTube

The second one is what to do if you have dryness in the recipient area after 1 week.

Dryness in Recipient Area after a Hair Transplant (hairtransplants-hdc.com)

My aim is that through my experience to help other Hair transplant Patients to acquire knowledge about what to expect.







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  • 1 year later...
  • Regular Member

As you may have all noticed form all my previous posted photos, I covered the front on my first FUE surgery and now I have already proceeded with my 2nd FUE to cover the crown. This was finished on the 2nd of February.

We have placed 2700 grafts on the crown and taking the surgery opportunity we have placed 250 grafts to enhance the hairline.

I am very happy that I managed to complete the covering of my baldness and I am now anxiously expecting the results of my Second hair transplantation.

Please see the photos below of my 2nd surgery to the crown.







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  • Senior Member


I hope you’re well, @Aristos ! It was a pleasure to have you working on me during my surgery, and am so thrilled for you that your surgery has turned out so great too!

Happy healing! You look great and I look forward to seeing the final result on this surgery too!

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  • Regular Member

It has been now 13 months after my 2ndFUE hair Transplant with HDC Hair Clinic.

I have completed my hair transplant journey and I can now present the results of my 2ndFUE.

Just to give some more accurate numbers:

FUE1 on 25-01-21 was for 2660 grafts to the front.

FUE2 on 01-02-22 was for 340 grafts to front and 2700 the crown.

So, the total number is 3000 grafts to the front and 2700 to the crown Giving a total for both areas of 5700 grafts, extracted from my donor in 2 surgeries.

I am very satisfied with the result, and you can see it below with comparable photos.

I am also very satisfied with the management of my donor area after removing 5700 grafts and you can also see below a comparable photo.

Be reminded that I am a technician at HDC Hair Clinic and whoever of you will decide to have FUE hair transplant surgery with us, will see my result live.

Additionally, I will be happy to work on your case.



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  • 8 months later...
  • Regular Member

I'm glad they went back in to work on your frontal hairline because it was sparse with the first round. If you come back, please provide shots of the frontal hairline directly facing the camera in good lighting.

Also, in the interest of transparency, you should put in your signature that you're an employee of the clinic.

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