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*Just bought Minoxodil - ONE HUGE QUESTION.


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*I finally bought myself Minoxodil 5% to start a routine - try to regrow the thinning that's beginning in the front of my scalp. Here's the problem:


- The box/instructions specifically say that it's intended for the crown! It says that using it on the front of the scalp may have "no effect," - and another label on the box says not use it there at all. My question is simple though:


1. What other Minoxodil would be any different? I'm saying this sarcastically... Wouldn't you think that Minoxodil 5% is the same, regardless of where it says to use it, and NOT to use it? I was told to use Minoxodil if I didn't want to deal with the side effects of Propecia... Now I'm worried that this 'crown only' warning is just as bad? Is the box too cautious?? Hopefully there isn't some special "frontal scalp" minoxodil... Which I don't believe there is.


2. I also bought some 2 in 1 daily control T-Gel to go along with my Minoxodil I'm starting. (I want to start tomarrow.) My plan is to use the T-Gel in the shower everyday, (to reduce dandruff/itching,) - than use the minoxodil once my hair dries. Is this a good routine for early thinning, or am I doing something wrong?? Thanks guys - I'll wait for your replies to pull the trigger and start it up.

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The reason that minox suggests to be put on the crown, and not on the top or front, is because of legal issues. Minox, during test studies, was only applied to the crown of the recipients. Though the results were great on the conducties, this doesn't mean that the makers of Minox can just say, "Put it anywhere, and hair will grow." But, this doesn't mean it won't work. I've read cases on this forum and others that it helped alot of individual's hairlines, vertex, diffuse thinning, etc. It all depends on the person. And as far as what the box says......it's just a result of paperwork.


As for your other question, i'm not familiar w/ t-gel so i won't be able to help you there.

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I'm using it for frontal thinning and receding temples and I'm pretty happy with it so far.


My temple hairline is fuzzing up a bit and the vellus hairs are growing longer. I've been on it 2 months and I'm hoping it'll get even better in the future.


Don't know about the t-gel, I don't use it but the Minoxidil doesn't irritate my skin anyway.

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*Thanks for the replies guys. I just want to make sure that using my T-Gel in the shower... hopping out, drying my hair - than using the Minoxodil a couple minutes later isn't too much. (Know what I mean? I don't want it to be too much scalp treatment in such a small period of time,) - UNLESS this is ok to do. Nobody else uses T-Gel with their hair regrowth treatments? T-Gel was recommended to me a while back, (and I saw it in a few treatment plans people had created for themselves,) so I went for it. Just want to make sure I'm not "overkilling" here. I assume that one is shampoo, the other is skin treatment, so it might be ok.

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