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Proposed hairline photos from leading clinics

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Of course I'm not going to go for the full Mike Ditka, and I understand the notion of saving donor hair to guard against future loss.


But I do question the received wisdom that a hairline at 34 can't reasonably look the same as a hairline at 64.


I look at Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Alec Baldwin, etc. Putting the issue of density aside for a moment, their hairlines did not recede or mature at all, and I don't recall them suffering adverse consequences -- quite the contrary. Their very success depends on remaining in the public eye. No one mentions their "immature hairlines."


These are not the majority of men, sure. But I see these Stalin-esque hairlines in men over 50 all the time. And even the Shapiro estimate isn't that aggressive.

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Originally posted by generic1:

Hey guys,


My research phase is drawing to a close and I'm about to choose a surgeon pretty shortly.


I want to make sure my pre-op photos are good enough for everyone to evaluate for the before and after stages. I've tried to mix in a variety of lighting brightnesses and flash settings.


Thoughts? Suggestions?


Hi generic1


I understand that you want to protect your privacy and are demonstrating cropped photos here.


Did the doctors see photos that show your whole face? I use facial proportions and facial features to help me design hairlines. If some or all of the doctors had only cropped photos to work with, that might account for some of the differences in the hairlines they drew.

Cam Simmons MD ABHRS

Seager Medical Group,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Dr. Cam Simmons is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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??? While the actual photos that H&W chose to use for their estimates did not include my whole face, they did indeed receive a number of pictures separately that showed my face in its entirety.


??? The Epstein pictures were taken by the patient coordinator, so I can't speak to those. I'm guessing not.


??? The Shapiro photos included my entire face, and were edited by me afterwords.

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So you know, the hairline design drawn on the photo shown is not a final design. It is a rough outline to give you an idea of what to expect but the final design is determined once you arrive and have a chance to speak to the doctor.


The design is basically so you know you won't have a hairline like a ten year old. Just making sure this is clear.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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In your shoes I personally would not opt for an HT unless I had already tried finasteride and minox without results.


It may be that is all you need to tie you up until something like hair cloning comes about. I just would not risk shock loss from the HT meds given the amount of hair you still seem to sport.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would go with the Shapiro Hariline. I too started out with a high forhead and think I can relate a little bit. Like me, your hair is so much the problem as is the increased size of the forehead. Your priority should be moving that hairline to a level that better balances out your face. Moving the hairline down to H&W level although an improvement, might not really solve your problem.


I think the bigger issue you will have is with the softness of the hairline due to your skin and hair color/texture (the same as mine). Even if the hairline is well placed and designed it may still look fake. Take a look at this thread



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