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1- i notice around 90% of the scabs have hair in them i read that its ok if this happens but wasnt sure if that meant such a high % of them would be like that 2- at what day can you take direct pressure from a shower head to the receipent area. 3- when can you get some sun on that receipent are i think you always look worse when your scalp is pal. thanks again

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  • Regular Member

1- i notice around 90% of the scabs have hair in them i read that its ok if this happens but wasnt sure if that meant such a high % of them would be like that 2- at what day can you take direct pressure from a shower head to the receipent area. 3- when can you get some sun on that receipent are i think you always look worse when your scalp is pal. thanks again

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I generally tell patients to wait until day 6-7 before going directly under shower. You could probably get away with day 4-5, but I always worry that a patient might have one of those heavy duty, high powered super showers. When it comes to getting direct sun exposure on the transplanted area, it is really important that you let the skin return to its normal color prior to the sun exposure. If you burn abnormally pigmented skin (red), it may never completely return to its normal color.

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