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  • Senior Member

Hey Guys,


Any of you have experience with Nanocaps? They're made by the same company that make Nanogen and purport to be a useful and scientifically approved drug for treating hairloss.


I haven't been able to find out much information about them, certainly not in the way of user reviews or tests of efficacy. My initial feeling is that they're likely to be snake oil and another bogus concoction but, well, you never know.


It seems they contain saw palmetto extracts and various other things (copper peptides etc.). I've heard of all these things being used in hairloss treatment so I am curious, but also cautious that some company has just chucked a bunch of stuff into a pill and called it a proven battle against hair loss!


So, do any of you guys have any experience of this stuff? I wouldn't mind giving it a go (I'm still on the fence about propecia) and you don't need a prescription.



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