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New Body Hair Growth Guarantee from DHI

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As many of us know body hair has different growth cycles than scalp hair. Scalp hair has been shown to be in anagen (growth phase) 90% of the time while body hair is only in anagen 30-50% of the time.


While many of us believe that a transplanted body hair resets resets its growth cycles once moved to the scalp, there are very few scientific studies performed to verify this belief completely.


On behalf of DHI I am pleased to announce the following.


DHI guarantees all body hair transplants performed at DHI will have an 80% growth rate on the scalp.


Terms of guarantee:


1. Patient must allow at least 24 months for transplanted body hair to change its growth cycle to match that of the scalp hair.

2. If any area has less than 80% of body hair follicular units in anagen after 24 months DHI will replace any body hair grafts not in anagen with head hair FUE grafts at no cost to the patient. Replacement grafts are limited to the total number of transplanted body hair FUE grafts minus 10% as 10% of head hair grafts are expected to be in the telogen phase even with normal scalp hair.

3. The patient will be responsible for transportation expenses to return to DHI, but lodging and any surgical costs will be provided at the DHI Plastic Surgery Hospital at no charge.

4. A densitometry reading will be taken before and after surgery to determine total number of body hair grafts placed. If the patient feels the body hair yield at 2 years is not 80% then DHI will perform another densitometry reading to determine growth percentages and replace any grafts that didn't grow or that are not in anagen up to the total number of grafts transplanted minus 10%.

5. Patients will be allowed to view the densitometry reading on a computer screen to see the results for themselves both before and after their surgery.

6. Patient must advise DHI before surgery that he/she is interested in the body hair guarantee program to ensure the density and growth measurements are recorded and documented.

7. At this time the DHI body hair guarantee is only available at the Athens, Greece office.


Now patients interested in using body hair, but worried about their return on investment in terms of visual yield, can undertake the procedure and have peace of mind with the DHI guarantee.




I am an independent hair transplant surgical consultant and hair loss researcher. Any opinions I have posted are my own. I am working on a few hair loss/transplant projects and will be making some announcements concerning them in the near future.

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  • Regular Member

As many of us know body hair has different growth cycles than scalp hair. Scalp hair has been shown to be in anagen (growth phase) 90% of the time while body hair is only in anagen 30-50% of the time.


While many of us believe that a transplanted body hair resets resets its growth cycles once moved to the scalp, there are very few scientific studies performed to verify this belief completely.


On behalf of DHI I am pleased to announce the following.


DHI guarantees all body hair transplants performed at DHI will have an 80% growth rate on the scalp.


Terms of guarantee:


1. Patient must allow at least 24 months for transplanted body hair to change its growth cycle to match that of the scalp hair.

2. If any area has less than 80% of body hair follicular units in anagen after 24 months DHI will replace any body hair grafts not in anagen with head hair FUE grafts at no cost to the patient. Replacement grafts are limited to the total number of transplanted body hair FUE grafts minus 10% as 10% of head hair grafts are expected to be in the telogen phase even with normal scalp hair.

3. The patient will be responsible for transportation expenses to return to DHI, but lodging and any surgical costs will be provided at the DHI Plastic Surgery Hospital at no charge.

4. A densitometry reading will be taken before and after surgery to determine total number of body hair grafts placed. If the patient feels the body hair yield at 2 years is not 80% then DHI will perform another densitometry reading to determine growth percentages and replace any grafts that didn't grow or that are not in anagen up to the total number of grafts transplanted minus 10%.

5. Patients will be allowed to view the densitometry reading on a computer screen to see the results for themselves both before and after their surgery.

6. Patient must advise DHI before surgery that he/she is interested in the body hair guarantee program to ensure the density and growth measurements are recorded and documented.

7. At this time the DHI body hair guarantee is only available at the Athens, Greece office.


Now patients interested in using body hair, but worried about their return on investment in terms of visual yield, can undertake the procedure and have peace of mind with the DHI guarantee.




I am an independent hair transplant surgical consultant and hair loss researcher. Any opinions I have posted are my own. I am working on a few hair loss/transplant projects and will be making some announcements concerning them in the near future.

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  • Regular Member

Any sort of guarantee from a hair transplant surgery is to be welcomed an I applaud DHI on being the first to do so.


However, as a hair loss sufferer, the guarantee raises the following questions.


1 What exactly is a densitometry and how will it be conducted?


2 What assurances will a patient have that the test is valid at the outset?


3 Why is it available only in Greece? Does this relate to the actual surgeon performing the surgery?


4 Why should it be necessary to express a request for this guarantee in advance? Should the results not be the same in any event?


5 How can a patient be expected to know the extent to which regrowth occurs? While they will have a general idea about the overall improvement in appearance, they can't physically count the grafts/hairs and will be reliant on DHI to tell them what's grown and what hasn't.


I'm sorry if I appear negative about what may very well be a genuine offer. It's just that I've been sold a pup before and I've grown to be more cautious about "special offers".

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  • Senior Member

Peter Mac I have always respected you so please take this more of a challenge than an attack. You ar the best thing to happen to DHI.

This sort of warranty in my opinion is nothing more than hype and marketing (poor in my opinion)

I have a few comments toward it.

1) Your company is calling Dr. Zondos the king of FUE (his before picture look good and clean) yet he as been only doing this since August or September (comments from Dr.Cole). I have yet to see ONE good after picture. If Dr. Woods who in my opinion is the best in FUE has gotten poor results from body hair with little grown from a few patients after 12 years experience what makes you think a doctor with 9 months or less experience will be able to get 80% or more?

2) What do you charge for body hair compared to head hair fue?

3) If you recieved a bad results from a doctor would you go back, even if it was free?

4) If you wanted to make it an amazing guarantee why don't you offer FULL MONEY BACK? Or at least pay the trip?

5) You said "Now patients interested in using body hair, but worried about their return on investment in terms of visual yield, can undertake the procedure and have peace of mind with the DHI guarantee."

This statement be correct if people had endless supply of body hair but it is not the case. Even with somebody that has alot of body hair has a limit (unless they don't mind alot of dots all over there body). This is not a car, this is a person body, time and money please don't treat it the same way. How would you feel if you recieved 2500 body grafts and only 500 grew, would you have a smile on your face and say at least I have a guarantee.


On a second topics how many employees of DHI actually post. You have just added olympia now, its starting to look like a circus. I don't know the story behind Costarics but will say that I have met 3 patients that have had work from DHI and amongst the worst work that I have ever seen (fue hopefully is different). If don't believe me I would be more than happy to ask them to post sine I talk to 2 of them on MSN. They both offered free FUE for there problems (nice gesture) but refused.

My opinion





Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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"1 What exactly is a densitometry and how will it be conducted?"


Densitometry is measuring the grafts and hair follicles per sq cm using a handheld densitometer or a video electron microscope. For the guarantee we will use the video electron microscope so you can see your results on a computer screen.


"2 What assurances will a patient have that the test is valid at the outset?"


You will watch the densitometry reading on a computer screen and see for yourself. Every part of the guarantee is open to inspection by the patient.


"3 Why is it available only in Greece? Does this relate to the actual surgeon performing the surgery?"


Because Greece is the DHI corporate headquarters. In some places hair transplant clinics are not allowed by local agencies to make any sort of guarantees about graft count in the results while in Greece we can.


"4 Why should it be necessary to express a request for this guarantee in advance? Should the results not be the same in any event?"


Yes they should absolutely. However, some patients accept the possible outcomes of the surgery and are not interested in a guarantee. With the guarantee we need to take several steps to ensure all proper images and densitometry readings are taken.


"5 How can a patient be expected to know the extent to which regrowth occurs? While they will have a general idea about the overall improvement in appearance, they can't physically count the grafts/hairs and will be reliant on DHI to tell them what's grown and what hasn't."


DHI will use video electron miroscopy for the analysis. The patient could go to any high quality dermatologist and have measurements taken if he feels the yield is not what it should be.


"I'm sorry if I appear negative about what may very well be a genuine offer. It's just that I've been sold a pup before and I've grown to be more cautious about "special offers"."


The difference between this offer and others is patient education. We're advising patients up front about the growth cyles of body hair and the lack of definitive and peer reviewed scientific evidence. The offers you should be cautious of are those that try to pull the wool over your eyes and don't explain the science behind the procedure. We are fully explaining the science up front. This offer is intended to help those who want to try body hair, understand the possible outcomes, but don't want to take a financial risk if the growth isn't ideal. It helps them get started on a body hair transplant without any financial risks.


The fact that we want you to watch our densitometry readings on a computer and see the graft count for yourself speaks volumes about the legitimacy of the offer.




I am an independent hair transplant surgical consultant and hair loss researcher. Any opinions I have posted are my own. I am working on a few hair loss/transplant projects and will be making some announcements concerning them in the near future.

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"Peter Mac I have always respected you so please take this more of a challenge than an attack. You ar the best thing to happen to DHI."


thanks lorenzo. I appreciate that.


"This sort of warranty in my opinion is nothing more than hype and marketing (poor in my opinion)"


It could be considered hype and marketing if I didn't start out the post with a scientific statement. Patient education was the goal up front. Marketing and hype to me is pulling the wool over a patient's eyes and not educating them about the procedure.


"1) Your company is calling Dr. Zondos the king of FUE (his before picture look good and clean) yet he as been only doing this since August or September (comments from Dr.Cole). I have yet to see ONE good after picture. If Dr. Woods who in my opinion is the best in FUE has gotten poor results from body hair with little grown from a few patients after 12 years experience what makes you think a doctor with 9 months or less experience will be able to get 80% or more?"


I believe Dr. Woods has gotten good growth from body hair FUE and DHI has as well in our own small scale studies.


"2) What do you charge for body hair compared to head hair fue?"


The price is 20% higher.


"3) If you recieved a bad results from a doctor would you go back, even if it was free?"


The growth guarantee is due to body hair anagen cycles, not because of bad results from DHI. Dr. Zontos placement is absolutely exceptional and may be the best in the world.


"4) If you wanted to make it an amazing guarantee why don't you offer FULL MONEY BACK? Or at least pay the trip?"


The patient is partially responsible for the growth of the grafts. My brother had stitches once and he went backpacking the next day. All of the stiches tore and he had to go back to the ER. Should the ER be responsible for what happened? Of course not. The same is true with a hair transplant. If a patient puts a bike helmet on his grafts the day after surgery and destroys all of the freshly planted grafts is the clinic responsible? Of course not. The patient has to have some sort of accountability. A partial refund is something that could be the only possibility to ensure the patient perfectly follows post op instructions.


"5) You said "Now patients interested in using body hair, but worried about their return on investment in terms of visual yield, can undertake the procedure and have peace of mind with the DHI guarantee."


This statement be correct if people had endless supply of body hair but it is not the case. Even with somebody that has alot of body hair has a limit (unless they don't mind alot of dots all over there body). This is not a car, this is a person body, time and money please don't treat it the same way. How would you feel if you recieved 2500 body grafts and only 500 grew, would you have a smile on your face and say at least I have a guarantee."


If I had 2500 body hair grafts I would know full well the growth cycles may not be what I expected and I would undergo surgery fully educated.


"On a second topics how many employees of DHI actually post. You have just added olympia now, its starting to look like a circus."


Akonsta is the DHI web master who posts photos and I answer technical questions. The only reason Olympia posted was because she was familiar with Costa Rica's case and qualified to comment on what happened. I was not qualified to comment because I wasn't at DHI during Costa Rica's surgery.


"I don't know the story behind Costarics but will say that I have met 3 patients that have had work from DHI and amongst the worst work that I have ever seen (fue hopefully is different).


If don't believe me I would be more than happy to ask them to post sine I talk to 2 of them on MSN. They both offered free FUE for there problems (nice gesture) but refused."


I can't comment on any procedure that took place before I came to DHI because I wasn't there to witness the procedure. However I will say the work I've seen by Dr. Zontos while I was at DHI is some of the best work I've ever seen, if not the best work I've ever seen. These are the only surgeries I am qualified to comment on.


If any past patients are dissatisfied DHI will do whatever it takes to make them happy including extending offers of free surgery with Dr. Zontos.




I am an independent hair transplant surgical consultant and hair loss researcher. Any opinions I have posted are my own. I am working on a few hair loss/transplant projects and will be making some announcements concerning them in the near future.

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  • Senior Member

Peter Mac; Thanks for the response.icon_smile.gif You make alot of good points that I both agree and disagree with. I hope that the future will be positive for both your company and your patients...time will tell.



Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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