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I've been reading through this topic. I've had two hair transplants. I pretty much lost my hair at 22. My first hair transplant was at the age of 26 which was last year to focus on the front.

2nd one I had to cover my crown which was 7 months a go. In total I've had around 7300, I'd say a good 95% of my transplanted hairs grew. The front is amazing. The crown has grown too in comparison to how it looked before, I mean it is still growing and they do say to wait 12 months for the full growth.

Overall I am happy with the results and although Dr.Cinik did not personally do my hair transplant, he did kept coming in to check and even now he messages me to check up on my progress. In regards to his 10 years guarantee that is for if the transplanted hairs did not grow after 12 months. Normally if you've lost a lot on your crown you have to go back the 2nd time as he does not want to over harvest your grafts and do it all in one go, so what he does is starts off at the front and finishes off the back (crown) if needed.

I'll attach all my pictures to see for yourselves, but as I said I was bald before so I can't complain to be fair.







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