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Is Spencer Kobren the Real Deal?


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  • Regular Member

Do you guys listen to Spencer's Bald Truth radio show. He talks about h/t's and proscar and other hair topics. Is Spencer the real deal or is he only in this hair game for the money and himself??

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  • Regular Member

Do you guys listen to Spencer's Bald Truth radio show. He talks about h/t's and proscar and other hair topics. Is Spencer the real deal or is he only in this hair game for the money and himself??

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  • Senior Member

Spencer is a very knowlegable person who has done alot with HT awareness to the public. Most of the time he is unbias in his opinions and format while providing a national forum to educate this industry. Is he in it for the money? I dont think so because when he started he wasnt getting paid- therefore there was no incentive. Now he does make money but just because someone makes money doesnt make them a bad person. I'm a professional business man who is self made and I like the money but also I do the right and honest things in my business interests.

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  • Senior Member

Spencer sounds B.S. to me. He never had an HT. He owns the B.S. IAHRS or something like that where he charges something like 10k for membership. I once heard him recommend a hairmill. Prabaly waiting for the righ time to sell his business.

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  • Senior Member

Spencer sounds B.S. to me. He never had an HT. He owns the B.S. IAHRS or something like that where he charges something like 10k for membership. I once heard him recommend a hairmill. Probaly waiting for the righ time to sell his business.

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  • Senior Member

Spencer sounds B.S. to me. He never had an HT. He owns the B.S. IAHRS or something like that where he charges something like 10k for membership. I once heard him recommend a hairmill. Probaly waiting for the right time to sell his business.

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  • Regular Member

I used to listen to Spencer Kobren religiously when I lived in New Jersey a few years ago. I always found his advice very useful and unbiased. He and his book were the starting point for me to get on Propecia and Rogaine and evaluate my future options. His IAHRS website also was a starting point for me to research reputable doctors for my hair transplant. I now live down south and can't get his radio show. Is it broadcasted over the Internet somewhere? His website is becoming outdated. Some of the links don't work and he no longer archives his show. What's he up to these days anyway?

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  • Regular Member

Spencer's show was my starting point in my research. Without his show, I probably would not have found this and other websites. At the same time, his show almost sounds like an infomercial for Dr. Bernsteins HT company (i forgot the name). He gets paid big money by the very people he is supposed to be evaluating. Conflict of interest?

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  • Regular Member

Spencer's show was my starting point in my research. Without his show, I probably would not have found this and other websites. At the same time, his show almost sounds like an infomercial for Dr. Bernsteins HT company (i forgot the name). He gets paid big money by the very people he is supposed to be evaluating. Conflict of interest?

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  • Regular Member

Spencer's show was my starting point in my research. Without his show, I probably would not have found this and other websites. At the same time, his show almost sounds like an infomercial for Dr. Bernsteins HT company (i forgot the name). He gets paid big money by the very people he is supposed to be evaluating. Conflict of interest?

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