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Rogaine Foam and Hair Texture (also some newbie questions)


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Hey all! Newbie here with some questions I hope to get answered...


First a little backstory... just recently I've noticed my hair becoming a "LOT" less thicker and thinning rapidly. I dunno why it's so sudden... at 26 years old, I had a full thick head of hair, and 3 months before turning 27 I noticed that my scalp was a lot more visible in the mirror. It was so sudden. I've seen pictures of my dad in his 30s and his hair is thick then, so maybe I inherited this from my mothers side of the family.


At the start of 26, i started working out like CRAZY. Harder then ever in my life. While I read that the debate over hair loss and increased testosterone levels due to exercise is inconclusive, I can't help but think that this has something to do with the sudden-ness of the thinning... That or the fact that I had some major increase of stress for 3 months straight due to work/life...


So I started Rogaine Foam. While I'm just starting to thin, I still have some amount of hair on the top of my head, so I'm shaving my head to allow the foam to penetrate more. Also, doing this because I hate how the foam affects the styling and texture of my existing hair.


1- Has anyone else had the same thoughts about the foam affecting your own hair texture and styling?


2 - In lieu of this, I'm thinking about taking Propecia and quitting the foam all together. Has anyone had the same experience?


3 - Will the "liquid" form of Rogaine affect hair texture and styling less?


4 - The shedding was massive when I first started Rogaine Foam and has settled off at 4 weeks. I take this this is a good sign and that maybe Rogaine will be really effective for me? In that case, maybe I should continue it?


Thanks in advance for any help!

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The same EXACT thing has happened to my hair and we are almost the exact same age, weird. Ive been working out seriously since I was 21 or so, though. I probably shouldnt say this but even when I was on steroids I didnt see any hair loss, and if you are genetically inclined to MPB you are supposed to lose some in that period. I've also had some major stress last few months and seeing my hair fall out so suddenly really really packed it on. My dad and his dad and grandfather all had full heads of hair, its weird. Ive been taking Propecia for almost a week now but still see a lot of shedding in the shower but hopefully that tapers off. Im also thinking about trying Rogaine as insurance, it seems thats working pretty decent for you?

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,

I am a recent convert to the foam from the liquid (last couple of weeks). I cant believe how much better it is for me than the liquid. The liquid takes hours to dry, is greasy & a real pain to use. Due to this i'd only use it beofre bed. I put the foam in directly after a shower (hairs still damp), takes about 2 minutes then style as usual. I find i dont need any product then either....& its easy to use twice a day,


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To byorg:


It's still really early to tell if Rogaine is "really" working for me. All I know is that I shed massively when I first used it, so I "think" that's a good sign.


The major stress thing could have kick started it heavily... the months before I really noticed it were VERY stressful...

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  • Senior Member

Shedding is usually a good sign.


I don't like the foam. Like you, I still have hair, it's just thinning. I find that the foam clings to the hair and leaves residue that can go flaky and look like dandruff.


I use the liquid, which I find to be much more discreet.


You should try finasteride. If it works, and you don't get sides, it's the best hairloss drug you can get.

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