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21yrs old male front thin hair


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hi my name is jose and i recently cut my hair(jan 8th), and the hair on the front of my head is real thin.ive had my hair cornrowed and pulled back in a ponytail for almost 6 years and ever sence i cut it the hair on the front of my head is thin. i was wonder if anyone with this similiar situation has any suggetions on what i should.any good products to make it look thickier??shampoos???..please any ideas will help


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While braided and tightly pulled back hair can cause a type of balding known as traction alopecia, it looks like a typical case of male pattern baldness to me. Since genetic hair loss is progressive, it will most likely continue to thin with time. Medical treatments such as Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil) are clinically proven to slow down, stop, and even reverse some of the effects of male pattern baldness. If your thinning hair bothers you and you want to proactively attempt to stop it from getting worse, you may want to speak to a physician about these hair loss drugsand consider using them.


Best wishes,



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