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FUR Recommendations - Turkey/India/UK... Anywhere


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Good day one and all,


So, I am a Norwood IV, looking to finally take the plunge. I'm 33, approaching 34 and in the last few years my confidence has slowly started to reduce and the money spent on baseball caps has steadily increased.


There is history in my family of hair loss, so I can't say it wasn't expected, though how rapidly it has appeared has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth and a look of envy towards those that wander past with locks flowing. Having a hatred of people with hair isn't really a trait I want to be carrying around for the rest of my life.


I guess how obvious it has become means I am becoming more frustrated and this, in turn, has led to me getting serious about FUE. Dealing with people saying, 'You're going bald', is not something I appreciate having to respond to. Do these people think I hadn't noticed? Do these people not think I sit in trepidation when my hair dresser pulls out the mirror to show me the back!? Ah, the blissfully ignorant hirsute amongst us.


Anyhow, I have not been taking anything to try and stem the flow, knowing it's an expensive fight that I am unlikely to win.


So, now to my question. I have been reading reviews, some great, some not so great, on Turkey, India, etc. and it's now time to request some honest answers to help me with my decision.


Whilst I know I am not going to go down the cheaper route, my money is likely to be limited to approx. ?1 per graft, so my budget, if I have understood this correctly, will sit at around ?5,000. This is making the judgement that 5,000 grafts would sort it. Whilst this isn't showing off my maths capabilities, I am also conscious that I may be working this out incorrectly, so please jump in and label me ignorant if necessary.


I am willing to travel anywhere that can guarantee great treatment, as good a surgeon as possible and, hopefully, great results.


As you'll all understand, this is a big decision so all help will be GREATLY appreciated.


Once I've made my considered decision, I will take you all on the journey with me.


Thanks again.

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