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My Amazing Experience

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Today is a cold and rainy day and I decided to share my experience because it changed my life and I am very happy.


I was very sad and resigned and I tried in every way to solve my problem and I saw that my head became more and more bald.

The research was a quite difficult because there is an infinite number of doctors, and the fear of ruining my donor area was too strong but my baldness was advancing.


I threw a lot of money in drugs like finasteride, minoxidil but it was more of a psychological factor and that was not helping much in solving my problem.


I read lots of sites mentioning Turkey as one of the best country to have it done and I hear about this famous Dr. Serkan Aygin, which is actually a quite common last name and might be confused with a different not so good doctor.


I was a bit afraid to leave by myself then I made my final decision when i found out a canadian agency that organized everything for me called Fuestar.


I have to say it was a great experience. As soon as I arrived there I was not alone but there were other patients with me coming from other countries. They picked us up at the airport with a private van and we stayed in a nice hotel very close to downtown Istanbul.

The clinic was very clean and the nurses and doctors were great! communication was very easy as they spoke english. They were very helpful in answering all my questions and they made me feel very comfortable.

The transplant took about 6 hours and I did not feel any discomfort other than just a little pinch for the first anesthesia.

After the surgery and night time I also had time to visit the city and I had lots of fun with the other people i met there, eating and drinking all together.

I was there only 5 days came back with my hair!

Edited by StephanCA
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