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best doctor in dubai

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Hi everybody i m new to this site bt can somebody gide me whether Dr. Armani is doing FUSS these days as FUE seems to be made only for celebrities not for normal people like us also let me know the best doctor available in this region

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Sandy I hear Dr Humayun is opening a clinic in Dubai. He is a good surgeon, the support and after care he provides is excellent. I have recently had hair transplant surgey by him, I can't comment on the results yet but will keep you updated. It would be worth while contacting him to find out more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks romeono1,


I knoiw Dr. Humayun is the best bt i still feel they will charge a lot as one of my friend took a quote from them,


can u guide me any other doctor atlest we can compare and get the best out of that.


Actually i am also convinced with Mr. Humayun's result bt going to pakistan and get it done is really challenging.


Dear altimate


Thanks for the reply please note the person staying in dubai will initially prefer in his zone.


Good luck

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Sandy, why do you want to do your HT in Dubai? You can take a short flight and get your HT done in Europe or in North America. I know there are several non-stop direct flights from Dubai to New York... and New York City itself has some great doctors (Drs. Feller, etc.). Same would be the case for options in Europe.


Moreover, most HT doctors would give you a travel discount which should cover your airfare and even hotel expenses. For example, I live in the northeast US and I have had 2 HT surgeries - 1 in California (US west coast) and the other in Canada - both are coalition doctors... both of them gave me travel discounts that covered my airfare and hotel expenses.


So check out the options in North America and Europe instead of looking in Dubai only. Plus with the depreciated values of the dollar and the euro, your overal costs might be quite low.


Good luck!

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Thanks dear bt can u just gide the approximate cost if i plan for US

Originally posted by Forrest Gump:

Sandy, why do you want to do your HT in Dubai? You can take a short flight and get your HT done in Europe or in North America. I know there are several non-stop direct flights from Dubai to New York... and New York City itself has some great doctors (Drs. Feller, etc.). Same would be the case for options in Europe.


Moreover, most HT doctors would give you a travel discount which should cover your airfare and even hotel expenses. For example, I live in the northeast US and I have had 2 HT surgeries - 1 in California (US west coast) and the other in Canada - both are coalition doctors... both of them gave me travel discounts that covered my airfare and hotel expenses.


So check out the options in North America and Europe instead of looking in Dubai only. Plus with the depreciated values of the dollar and the euro, your overal costs might be quite low.


Good luck!

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Originally posted by Sandy4991:

Thanks dear bt can u just gide the approximate cost if i plan for US



Among the doctors recommended on this site, the costs usually range from $3 to $5 per graft. At the top of my head, I can think of Dr Ross (of La Jolla, California) who charges $3 per graft. There is another doctor who also charges $3 per graft, but I am going blank on who that is.


I think most doctors would charge about $4. However, you can sometimes negotiate, especially if you are doing a megasession, and also due to the fact that you'll be traveling from a foreign country.


Plus, the doctors that I've checked with give travel discounts. Some doctors were willing to give me a 10% discount (off the total cost of the surgery) for travel allowance, while others gave a composite amount as travel discount (e.g., $500, irrespective of total cost of surgery).


So research around and feel free to ask for international travel discounts. I personally heard of 1 guy, who had his surgery in California... he got a pretty good discount since he was flying in all the way from a foreign country (either from the middle east or from somewhere in Asia).

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