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Review of Dr Koray Erdogan, ASMED


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Several months ago I had my second HT surgery with Dr Koray at ASMED and because of the wonderful experience I had both times and the life changing results I felt compelled to write a quick review to give credit to Dr Koray and his wonderful staff and to help inform any potential patients who are researching surgeons for their own transplants. :)


For the purpose of not simply recounting my HT journey, as several others have already done, I’ve categorized each step and written a brief assessment of how it went.




Before the operation, I was in contact with the patient co-ordinator and her communication when dealing with my questions was excellent. After extensive research into FUE I still had a lot of questions regarding the procedure, after care, traveling, bringing money over, etc, and she was always very informative and very quick to get back to me. Indeed, as soon as you land they call you to see how the flight was and welcome you to Turkey!



The drivers are really great. They speak a little English and are always at the airport early and are very friendly, helpful, and will even give you some local Turkish history as you drive through the city. They drive a really nice, luxurious mini van which seats a few people, which is cool as you get to meet other patients who happen to be arriving at the same time.


The facility

The ASMED clinic is state of the art. Dr Koray has spared no expense building an amazing clinic. :) When you walk in you are greeted by the patient co-ordinator you have been in contact with. You are also welcomed by live music courtesy of a classical pianist, as well as snacks and soft drinks, before then meeting Dr Koray for your consultation.


Dr Koray and his staff

Dr Koray is phenomenal. A very pleasant, outgoing, considerate guy. The reason I went with him is because he treats hair-loss aggressively and I believe he’s the best. He’s also a perfectionist, and so you know he’s always going to push the envelop to achieve the best result possible.


In the consultation, he examines your hair thoroughly, asks you what your expectations are and gives you a realistic assessment of what he can do. He then draws a rough hairline, which you are able to tweak before the operation.


The rest of his staff are also amazing - everyone from the patient coordinators (some speak several languages!), to the photographers and the skilled technicians. These guys are like a family. They have great chemistry and each is very good at what they do.



You are made to feel as comfortable as possible for the actual surgery. Indeed, they even have a masseuse come in and give you foot massage! You also get an Ipad device to watch movies on while they extract and implant.


With regards to graft count. On the main monitor in front of you is a graft count. They have 2 technicians who count every single graft in real time as it is extracted and it comes up on the main monitor. This way you know exactly how many grafts they've taken, if they are 1’s, 2’s, etc, and how many more they need to extract to reach your final count. This makes everything 100% transparent. In addition, after the surgery you are given a USB with all your photos, as well as a thorough document which outlines, amongst other things, the details of your hair exam and the No of grafts that were extracted and implanted.


During the extraction process Dr Koray comes in to check to see how the process is going and to see how you are. He is very hands on - like a true perfectionist!


After the extraction, you have a quick lunch. Usually a nice simple Turkish meal with desert. Shortly after you’re back in the surgery room where Dr Koray now performs the incisions and the grafts are then implanted by his skilled technicians. No time is wasted. During and after surgery, Dr Koray checks the implantation is going well.


The morning after surgery they wash your hair and Dr Koray visits and checks your implants. Those of you who have a second day of surgery will go back in. Those who don’t are able to continue having your hair washed at the Clinic until you return home.



For my first operation I stayed at 'Radisson Blu'. This is a beautiful 5 star hotel within 10min of the clinic. The driver picks you up and drops you off after your consultation and operation/washings.


The second time I decided to stay at the clinics en suite room. The clinic accommodation is really nice! It’s very futuristic. All white with ambient lighting. It's also great because you if you have any questions or concerns there is always someone at the front desk to help you.



I’m sure there are some of you who might be concerned about traveling to Turkey during the political tensions they’ve been having lately. I’ve never experienced any issues and always felt safe. As such, I personally wouldn't let if affect your decision to travel to Turkey. I would let the overall quality of the surgeon and there body of work be the overriding factor.


In short, the highest compliment I can give Dr Koray and his wonderful staff is that I will only ever go to them for my HT needs. They’re worth it! :)


Those of you who are curious about my results, I’ll be taking pics and uploading them soon!





K-A :)

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  • Senior Member

Hi Kick-Ass,

What a great report on your experiences with Asmed. Your account mirrors what others have said, be it in less words :D. I'm actually travelling today for my HT, and I'm convinced I have chosen the best surgeon in Europe and from extensive research probably one of the best in the world. I have yet to find a negative feedback or result from this clinic.

It would be great if you could post some pictures before and after and the figures. Another Asmed success story and happy camper it would appear. Good luck with your onward journey and I hope you get the result you desire.

5024 grafts with Asmed Clinic. Dr Koray 25th & 26th Oct 2017


Those who spend their time looking for the faults in others usually make no time to correct their own. –Art Janak




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  • Regular Member

So to be clear on what you said, you get to change the hairline that the Dr draws for you? That's good to know. One of my concerns about picking Dr Erdogan is that he push me into an aggressive hairline that would deplete my donor zone.

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  • Senior Member

Hi WAguy,

I'm 4 days post from HT with Dr Koray. My experience was that, the Dr evaluates what donor you have available, takes into consideration your age and expectations. He then designs a hairline that compliments your face features, so the face is framed. Every bodies face is different as are there hair characteristics and donor area. I was pleasantly surprised how low mine was drawn on initially, but this was more due to me thinking I had a poor donor supply. The Dr also asks for your thoughts, and that of the team. When the hairline was being finalised prior to surgery, I think I had about 8 staff looking at me. Key point is the guy is very experienced, and he knows best. The only time I think he would have a problem is if a patient wanted a low hairline which was inappropriate or he didn't have the donor hair to achieve.

5024 grafts with Asmed Clinic. Dr Koray 25th & 26th Oct 2017


Those who spend their time looking for the faults in others usually make no time to correct their own. –Art Janak




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