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Open Donor Scarring


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As I just sent this off to a friend this morning, it gave me the courage to "go public" for the cause. I still find this painful to look at.


If some of you don't know what you're seeing here, this is my donor area prior to my first surgery with Dr.Wong. It clearly depicts the open donor scarring that was a result of surgeries prior to the advent of strip. Therefore, the strip that was removed appeared like a normal one, but with divots. The appearance of the donor area today is far less objectionable as much of the scarring was removed.


The circled area gives an idea of the actual thickness of the donor hair that remained. As I've stated, I'm blessed with very dense and thick hair.


I consider it amazing that Dr.Wong and staff were able to get 5178 grafts from this depleted area. It's a tribute to their skill, not only with the blade, but also with the microscopes.




Uncjim's Journey


"Temples 'n Crowns Forever"


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  • Senior Member

As I just sent this off to a friend this morning, it gave me the courage to "go public" for the cause. I still find this painful to look at.


If some of you don't know what you're seeing here, this is my donor area prior to my first surgery with Dr.Wong. It clearly depicts the open donor scarring that was a result of surgeries prior to the advent of strip. Therefore, the strip that was removed appeared like a normal one, but with divots. The appearance of the donor area today is far less objectionable as much of the scarring was removed.


The circled area gives an idea of the actual thickness of the donor hair that remained. As I've stated, I'm blessed with very dense and thick hair.


I consider it amazing that Dr.Wong and staff were able to get 5178 grafts from this depleted area. It's a tribute to their skill, not only with the blade, but also with the microscopes.




Uncjim's Journey

"Temples 'n Crowns Forever"


Uncjim's Hair Loss WebLog



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What they did in the old days is punch holes in the donor area and pull out the plug (many follicles in a bunch). It's similar to FUE except a very gross/crude version.


I have hair remaining in the area below the circle, although it was depleted dramatically. The area that looks shaved are hundreds of circular scars.


The literature told us that the scars would become flat lines and eventually undetectable. This of course was a lie. There are a lot of us old guys out there in similar situations.




Uncjim's Journey

"Temples 'n Crowns Forever"


Uncjim's Hair Loss WebLog



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