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4000+ FUT...what kind of results might I get?

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After 5 years of poking around here, I am planning on having a 4000+ FUT procedure with a highly respected HT clinic. To give you an idea of my density, another fine Coalition Surgeon told me during an in-person consult that a 1.6cm wide strip could yield in the ballpark of 2500 grafts. Since 1.6cm is as wide as he'll remove from any patient, I decided to take a more aggressive route and look at surgeons who do wider strips. I have good laxity, and I'm exercising my scalp daily, so a bigger strip shouldn’t be a problem. Some more things to consider are that I am fine-haired, and have salt and pepper (more salt than pepper) hair. Also, I’m 50 years old, the area of balding on top has not spread in 5 years, and I have never been on meds. If I decide to go through with this, then I will be starting Propecia in a couple weeks.


My biggest concerns are my fine-hair and average donor density. This has me thinking about the potential amount of surface area to be covered and the density of coverage.


What could I possibly expect from a strip procedure of at least 4000 grafts? If my laxity and density allows, I’d go to 5000. I plan on going with a mature hairline, and I don’t mind being left with a bald/thin crown, as long as the balding area isn’t huge. Does that sound reasonable? Your thoughts on this would mean a lot to me. Thanks!


FYI, the 2 dots on my head represent what the first doc felt could be covered with 2500 and 2600 grafts. In addition to sending pics with my online consults, I included a video showing a comb running through my donor areas. The video made the surgeons feel much more optimistic about my candidacy for a HT than the pics.





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Zaxter, welcome to the forum!


Like you mention, your donor area is average. Or, age appropriate I would say. You should still be able to harvest 4000 grafts out of it with a wide strip. Now that you are going for a conservative hairline and you are okay to leave the crown as it is or with bare minimal work at best, 4000 grafts should be enough to give you a marked change if not significant. If you can get 5000 like you are yearning for, nothing like it. But, I highly doubt you will.


I am not sure how easy it will be to cover your scar with this donor density. You might have to grow your back considerably which might not go too well aesthetically with the hair on top. I am not really sure about it, so I guess others can chip in on that.


I assume this will be your one and only surgery. Why not FUE some beard grafts and get the crown fixed as well? That way all your strip grafts can be used on top to bring about a better density.


If all goes well, you l be a rock star!


Good Luck! Cheers!

Edited by MayiraP0chu

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



My Androgenic Alopecia Scrapbook


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I appreciate your comments. Today I buzzed my hair pretty tight and I’m going to have a friend take some pics of my donor areas using a macro lens and a metric ruler. I’m also going to make another video, this time to show my laxity. Although I’d like to see my chosen doc for a personal consult, traveling across the continent for that purpose isn’t feasible. With that said, I want to create something in the form of high quality pics and clips that would hopefully be the next best thing to a personal consult.


MayiraP0chu, your comment about getting a wide enough donor strip has me thinking, and brings me to my next question, which I’ll post in a new thread.


Thanks again!

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