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Worrying donor area shock loss

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I am 5 weeks post op.

I was casually running my fingers through my donor area last night and I felt what appeared to be bare skin.


Feeling a little concerned, I checked the area with a mirror and noticed that I had significant ( 1-2cm )shock loss below my donor scar. I was pretty worried by what I saw.

I have my hair quite long in the area and previously wasn't aware of any problem below my scar since the surgery.


I have had previous surgeries and my scalp felt quite tight after my last HT on Jan 14.


Have other parients experienced anything similar?

I am aware that shock loss can occur at the donor

site but is this reasonably normal?


At 5 weeks, can I assume that this shedding/shock loss will have stabilised? I am not aware how long it has been like this.


Please tell me everything is ok and that,like my little babies on my hairline, the hair will grow back in after their rest cycle.


Please feel free to offer any advice etc.


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  • Regular Member

I am 5 weeks post op.

I was casually running my fingers through my donor area last night and I felt what appeared to be bare skin.


Feeling a little concerned, I checked the area with a mirror and noticed that I had significant ( 1-2cm )shock loss below my donor scar. I was pretty worried by what I saw.

I have my hair quite long in the area and previously wasn't aware of any problem below my scar since the surgery.


I have had previous surgeries and my scalp felt quite tight after my last HT on Jan 14.


Have other parients experienced anything similar?

I am aware that shock loss can occur at the donor

site but is this reasonably normal?


At 5 weeks, can I assume that this shedding/shock loss will have stabilised? I am not aware how long it has been like this.


Please tell me everything is ok and that,like my little babies on my hairline, the hair will grow back in after their rest cycle.


Please feel free to offer any advice etc.


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I had some minor shock loss in the same area. Just below the donor scar. I really didn't notice it until I shaved my head almost completely bald 3 weeks after surgery. All the hair grew back around the 3 month mark. Now most people have trouble finding the scar.


Don't worry it will grow back!




Cam's Transplant


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  • Regular Member

Thanks Cam,

reassurance from someone who has been through it and come out the other side is really appreciated.


I spoke to my Dr and he basically told me the same thing. The biggest shock was that I didn't know it was there.


Thanks again.

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