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WORRIED 6months post-OP 2000 Grafts Philippines

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Hi. I'm from the Philipines 24 yrs old and I had FUT 6months ago over my hairline with a certain doctor I'm not going to name for now because I don't want to destroy his/her(going to use he/him in the whole post just for reference) reputation. So basically I've researched this doctor first before contacting him. And I only found one thread relating to this doctor but the reviews seem to be good and even Dr.Path strongly recommends him said one of the patients since this doctor studied under the latter. So everything went smoothly from assessment to post-op.


What I'm worried about is that my grafts are sparse and have huge gaps and spaces in between them and I dont think there are still anymore follicles to grow hair from. And that when I look in the mirror and let the light shine on my head I can see my scalp through the grafts because of the really low densit and volume of the grafts. What do you think I should do? My doctor said he agrees with my observation and that I should wait for the 10th month for my last followup before we proceed with anything else. I'm not yet concluding that this doctor has bad practice and I think I may have been unlucky that my other grafts didn't survive. Should I get a corrective surgery with the same doctor since there aren't really any bad reviews from his patients and all turned out right except mine or should I just try another doctor?






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