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Turning 27 soon and balding in need of advice

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Hey everyone I'm new to these forums and I need all the advice I can get. I recently buzzed my hair off thinking I can go with that style since it will hide my thinning crown but I was wrong. I've lost a lot of hair on the top and of course I'm really stressed out about all this. I've been going bald since I was maybe 22 I believe. I'll be 27 in December and my question is would I be a candidate for a transplant even though I'm 27? I've uploaded some pictures but it's hard to tell since I buzzed it off but you can still see the thinning hair. I've set up an appointment with True and Dorin this month.

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  • Senior Member

As you say, it is hard to tell with your hair buzzed so short. It does appear that you have quite extensive thinning throughout all zones and possibly not the thickest of donor areas.


It isn't your age alone that determines whether you're a good HT candidate. It looks like your hairloss has been quite rapid over the past 5 years. It will be in interesting to see what True & Dorin say.


I think you might be best off getting used to yourself with the buzzed look. From your words, it sounds like hiding the fact that you're balding is important to you, so, like BadBeat suggested, SMP might be worth considering.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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