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Taking Proscar or not


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I'm interested to see who is not taking Finasteride after their hair transplant operation.


I had been taking Proscar (Finasteride) for around 4 years. It was working really well for the first 3 years but I noticed quite a lot of hair loss in the 4th year. It was at this point I decided to get a hair transplant. I also wanted to stop taking the medication as I'm 30 and looking to have children in the next couple of years. I didn't want to take the risk taking the medication while having a baby.


I had a consultation with a HT clinic in London who gave me a quote and told me to stop taking proscar for 6-7 months prior to the operation to review the full extent of my hair loss. After 7 months without medication I lost a considerable amount of hair, from a Norwood scale 3 to 5...


I had 7 months to research the FUE. During this time I contacted a couple of other clinics and was surprised by their feedback. Another clinic in London told me it was irresponsible for the first clinic to tell me to stop taking the medication. A third clinic I contacted in Turkey strongly recommended I go back onto the medication.


I understand now that with hair loss we are constantly fighting a losing battle and unless my hair loss stabilises naturally I will continue to lose hair. So having a hair transplant without taking medication would just be a constant battle match the hair loss with more hair transplants.


My question is: Is there anyone who is not taking medication after their hair transplant?


I'm interested to see other peoples feedback on this matter.



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