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Styling pre-OP tips and FUT Question

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I've been a long time lurker on this site and have occasionally sent a PM or two to different forum posters. Thanks to this forum I got on proscar (cut in fourths, 1.25 mg a day) and I believe this has saved me from further loss.


I have a couple questions that the community wouldn't mind answering, and I thought I would share a couple tidbits on styling if you're at the same level of loss I am. I used to have loads of anxiety getting my haircut but have figured out a couple tips that eases this anxiety. I'm sure lots of people feel the same way I did!


I'm not ready to get hair restoration yet, but really want to around the time I turn 30 (currently 26). I want to wait till my loss pattern matures a bit more, and I'd rather save up all the money, use a credit card, then immediately pay off the credit card for rewards points rather than have to do a payment plan. Maybe get a free flight or two with those reward points.


I have consulted with 4 clinics, and have established what I believe to be my "short list". All of these clinics assessed me as a NW III and stated I'll need anywhere from 1600-2500 grafts. During the consultations it was noted that I have a lot of good things going for me; dark, coarse, slightly wavey hair with higher than average density. Just wish I never would have lost any of it in the first place but oh well, gotta do what you can.


Since I'm planning long term, I prefer FUSS/FUT. In my opinion, this surgery gives better end results and allows for additional surgeries without damaging the donor. I never want to shave my head bald; otherwise I would just be done with this and bic my head tonight.


With that being said, do you guys think I'll be able to maintain this similar type of hair style? I've found that my recession is incredibly reduced with the following cut that I've been going with for about a year now. And I recommend it to other people who are in my similar situation (NW III):


Taper sides/back from a 2 to a 4; natural neckline with a straight razor; trim 1/8 inch off a month and texturize. I keep the top around 1.5-2.5 inches total. The shorter sides/taper makes the top look thicker than it actually is. I get a haircut every 2-3 weeks.


I'd like to keep styling my hair this way, and am wondering if I'll be able to keep this 2-4 taper going on the back/sides. What are your thoughts?


My goals with hair restoration are to strengthen/reinforce my hairline (perhaps drop it a slight centimeter or two, and enable styling in other ways. For instance, a slick back look or at the very least the ability to show off the hairline.


What are your thoughts on my temple points? should I slightly reinforce those as well, or are they too tricky?


Background Info:

I've been on proscar about a year and a half (October 2015), and started when I was 24 years old. I'm currently 26.


I remember that my hair loss started when I was around 16-17 years old and I felt a burning itchiness to my head. I didn't realize till much later that I was losing hair. Luckily, I had super thick hair so lots of it maintained. Once I realized how bad my loss was getting though, I did internet research and found this forum and jumped on proscar.






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  • Senior Member

It's nice to see that you are doing lots of research and getting as informed as possible.


If your hair loss started in your teens, chances are you may have aggressive loss as the years go by. I say "may" because it sounds like finasteride is working well for you. If you were not on it, I would state that your loss would be very aggressive.


Your styling goals sound fine to me.


But here's the deal. If you are going to wait until age 30, which I agree with, your hair is going to look much different and your goals may change some depending on the degree of loss and the Norwood class you fine yourself in your thirties.


I would give it some time, come back with some current photos, restate your goals when you are ready for the procedure and we will give you some practical feedback.


Sound like a plan?


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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