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Dr. Michael Beehner new associate Dr. Keimun Slaughter


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Hello everyone,

I'm ready to get the hair transplant and I've been researching a few doctors. I recently started researching Dr. Michael Beehner I really liked what his patients had to say about him, his work ethic, and his results. The only downside that I found is that he has a new associate, whom I cannot find any information on, on any forum as hair transplant surgeon. I know Dr.Michael Beehner has a great repution and has had decades of experience, he's even a coalition member. However, his new associate, Dr. Keimun Slaughter, is younger and all that I know about him is that he is a fine plastic surgeon with a excellent resume, but has only been doing hair transplant surgeries for a year (under the supervision of Dr. Beehner)--information which I acquired from their website. Should I be concerned over someone with one year of experience, even if he is under Dr.Beehner's, one of the great hair transplant surgeon of today, supervision?

Any information on Dr. Keimun Slaughter or anything you can add will be greatly appreciated.

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I have been remiss in not previously having introduced Dr. Slaughter to the general hair transplant community. He has been working closely with me over the past 10 months in hair transplantation and has done a large number of surgeries by himself. He is a fully trained facial plastic surgeon, who toward the end of his fellowship (which he finished last June) made a few visits to our office to observe some transplants. He is a fulltime member of the Williams Plastic Surgery group in Latham, New York (near Albany) and will be emphasizing hair transplantation as his main sub-specialty area of practice. Our clinic and the Williams surgery clinic will be merging in July of this year, but the hair transplant part of the practice will continue to be located in the Saratoga office we have used for the past 23 years.

Dr. Slaughter obtained his B.S. degree from the University of Georgia and attended medical school at Morehouse School of Medicine. He then completed two years of general and vascular surgery at the prestigious surgery program at Duke University. He then completed a residency in head and neck surgery at the University of North Carolina. During this time he developed a strong interest in plastic surgery of the head and face, and then completed a facial plastic fellowship under Dr. Edwin Williams. He has authored several articles and publications in major journals and received numerous awards throughout his training. His surgical abilities are first-rate and he has quickly been learning all of the nuances of hair transplant surgery, which make the difference in obtaining excellent results. He hopes to conduct research in our practice, as I have been doing the past 20 years. He has wonderful rapport with our patients, who have taken to his out-going personality and trust him to do their surgery.

This coming week, Dr. Slaughter and myself will be attending the outstanding Orlando Live Surgery Workshop, which is put on by the ISHRS. Doctors from all over the world attend.

One last thing: I will not be retiring, but just cutting back a little this July. I enjoy performing hair transplant surgery as much as ever, and hope to keep my hand in it as long as I can. But I welcome the energy and new ideas that Dr. Slaughter brings to our practice. The really neat thing about hair surgery is that every patient presents a unique and different challenge. It is so important not to "cookie-cutter" all of the patients into one way of doing everything. In a few months, when we have some representative photos of Dr. Slaughter's surgical results, we will submit them to this community and hopefully Dr. Slaughter will join the ranks of the "recommended" docs listed here. I have been proud to have been a part of this community all these years.

Mike Beehner, M.D.

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Dr. Beehner, thank you for the wonderful and humbling introduction! I must first say that it has been both a privilege and honor to have you train me and impart your knowledge and wisdom which you have mastered and perfected over the last two decades. You are certainly a gentleman and giant in the field, and I am dedicated to continuing your legacy in the form of stellar patient care and providing the highest quality in hair restoration surgery. Thank you again for the opportunity, and I look forward to interacting with this community and hopefully joining the ranks of the "recommended" doctors listed here as you so eloquently stated. To all in the forum, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have as I'm always happy to answer and help in anyway that I can!

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Hello Dr. Slaughter. Welcome to our community! Given Dr. Beehner's exceptional credentials, I'm certain we'll see great things from you as well.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Dr. Beehner,


Thank you for introducing Dr. Slaughter to our online hair restoration community. I know we've talked some time ago about an upcoming and outstanding physician were working with but I don't recall you mentioning his name. Now, given the introduction I can only imagine that you were and are referring to Dr. Slaughter.


I encourage him to begin presenting examples of his work (much like you do) so the community can begin seeing examples of his work and results. After the community feels we've seen sufficient evidence of his credentials, work and results, we can then consider him for potential recommendation.


I look forward to seeing great things from Dr. Slaughter and hopefully his work will help to reduce your work load as you intend. We are glad to hear however, that you will be continuing your great work for years to come.


Best wishes,



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Dr. Slaughter,


Welcome to our hair restoration community. As you can see by my message to Dr. Beehner, I've heard good things about you, even before I knew your name. I'm pleased to hear that you have been learning from one of the best and I trust you will present some excellent examples of your own work and results in the coming month. Please talk to Dr. Beehner about how to present examples of your work and results or feel fee to ask me any of your own questions.


We look forward to seeing examples of your work and results in the coming weeks/months and considering you for potential recommendation.


Best wishes,



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