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Considering SMP after having a piece for 20+ years..


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Hi folks,

So I have been a member of this forum for a long time but I dont post much. I thought I would finally intro myself..


I began to lose to my hair around age 19. I distinctly remember it was after I decided to get my first (and last..) PERM! Can you say 80's!!! I did this BC I always had dead straight hair and I wanted a more wavy hairstyle..think George Michael (RIP) from the 80's. Anyway soon after my hair started quickly thinning..I think that was the catalyst but cannot be sure..


Anyway cut to 5+ years and I was being made fun of quite regularly by my friends/classmates. My younger brothers friends would ask why he was hanging out with his "uncle"..:( I was also single and I did have success with women but my confidence with down in the dumps.


I investigated hair pieces (like I am doing SMP) for a number of years and finally decided to go for it. I finally did get it and it solved the problem back then. In the last 20 years I met my wife and got married. She was ok with it as her father wore a very obvious piece. In fact over the years him and I have bonded over this topic and me getting him new wigs, applying his tape etc..


I am now 46 years old and while the piece does look good most times, sometimes it does not. Truth be told I am getting really tired of it..these situations come to mind..

1. In the wind will people notice

2. On vacations I could not swim with my friends..they even asked why I dont get my hair wet ;)

3. People staying over and thus me having to wear a hat

4. Getting a new system and it being an obvious change



The point is now I am getting to the point where I am tired of all of this. I have even started to tell my close friends BC I am getting tired of hiding..I just want to be me and in a way I feel like I am not "accepting" me for me..In the end as everyone here knows everyone just looks "better" with great hair but everyone does not have great hair. I also dont want to be my fatherinlaw or like Tony Curtis where it is obvious they wear pieces..I think people actually feel sorry for them..


So I find myself at the crossroads..either I can

1. Remove the hair piece shave my head, get into really lean shape (at 46 that isnt going to be easy..) deal with the shock to myself and friends/colleagues/staff and move on. My uncle did it at 60 and he is skin bald now..my cousins used to call him Galoum at first :( but we are used to it now and he says it was the most freeing thing!




2. Get SMP and continue to fight the battle..when done well SMP looks awesome (so does a good piece though..)


I am not sure which way to go just yet (working on the losing weight first..) but I look at people like Jason Statham(surprise), Patrick Stewart, Stanley Tucci, TheRock and they look awesome!


I've attached 3 pics..the first two is where I think my piece looks good and the 3rd is from Friday where I know it looks so obvious..that's after a very windy walk home..this what I can't stand..I mean what's the point of a piece if you still have to be paranoid or cannot perform your activities!!! Even working out can be hard BC of the sweat underneath and the tape/glue and the itchiness! Drives me insane sometimes!!:mad: I just think I am getting too old for this :)


Comments welcome and I shall endeavour to participant..


Thanks for reading my long ass post!




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@HLS2015 - thanks..Sorry I dont know what prepuce is. I think by now I am Norwwod7. At that time I could not afford transplant, meaning it was not a priority..But after seeing the number of "failed" transplants and the eventual permanent scars it scared me off..I was thinking of getting temp SMP in the next year or so, if I like do the permanent one. I read that even they eventually do fade..just let it fade into mid 50's/early 60's..


That way I can take a vacation for two weeks, remove the piece and folks just think I buzzed my hair (after tanning my head :D)


This what I am looking for -

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If you do decide to switch from a system to SMP be very sure to work with a clinic who has experience in this procedure. It requires some very important before care in order to achieve a great result. This is a tricky procedure so please ask for help and advice along the way so we can make sure you choose to go into good hands...

I am the SMP and Micro-Pigmentation Specialist for Shapiro Medical Group. Always feel free to message me privately with any additional questions you might have. I am trained in both the permanent and temporary pigmentation methods and am happy to be here to offer support as a neutral resource.

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