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Strike while the iron is hot!!

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  • Regular Member

I've been on travel and have just been able to catch up with the group - what a difference!!!


"The Coalition" must have had a summit of sorts? I get the impression that some of it's members may have recognized that perhap's only a handful of doctors have been getting all the press in the forums and a resultant boost in business. Maybe a resounding "what gives Pat?" may have instigated some of the action of late?


I gotta believe that Pat had to tell these folks that THEY HAVE TO PARTICIPATE! And I say good for you! Looks like it's working! I noticed quite a few contributions from a few of the seldom or never heard from professionals. The "lateral slit" thread was excellent as are a the threads discussion "HT limitations" and "veteran observations" threads.


The refreshing thing is that a lot of these topics have been discussed before, but seldom are any views or opinions offered by TRUE professionals and surgeons. The are MANY threads that are started here that can only really be answered by professionals. Too often we have to settle for "relax, that's what happened to me".


Back to my topic subject....yes HT veterans and potential HT patients unite! Let's strike while the iron is hot - no telling when the professional interest may wear off (especially since summer is here). I am suggesting that we all maybe flood the "Physicians Questions" forum and see where it goes?


Thanks for stirring the coals Pat!

Chaos, panic and disorder...my work here is done.

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  • Regular Member

I've been on travel and have just been able to catch up with the group - what a difference!!!


"The Coalition" must have had a summit of sorts? I get the impression that some of it's members may have recognized that perhap's only a handful of doctors have been getting all the press in the forums and a resultant boost in business. Maybe a resounding "what gives Pat?" may have instigated some of the action of late?


I gotta believe that Pat had to tell these folks that THEY HAVE TO PARTICIPATE! And I say good for you! Looks like it's working! I noticed quite a few contributions from a few of the seldom or never heard from professionals. The "lateral slit" thread was excellent as are a the threads discussion "HT limitations" and "veteran observations" threads.


The refreshing thing is that a lot of these topics have been discussed before, but seldom are any views or opinions offered by TRUE professionals and surgeons. The are MANY threads that are started here that can only really be answered by professionals. Too often we have to settle for "relax, that's what happened to me".


Back to my topic subject....yes HT veterans and potential HT patients unite! Let's strike while the iron is hot - no telling when the professional interest may wear off (especially since summer is here). I am suggesting that we all maybe flood the "Physicians Questions" forum and see where it goes?


Thanks for stirring the coals Pat!

Chaos, panic and disorder...my work here is done.

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  • Regular Member

Please excuse my spelling errors - can't get used to this laptop keyboard when I travel.


Although I appreciate the newfound professional enthusiam to the forum, I'm a little disappointed to hear that a good percentage of my post-HT support group has been booted from the site. I know these guys can sometimes appear to be crouching tigers but they all have been helpful and inspirational at least to my cause. Lost resources...

Chaos, panic and disorder...my work here is done.

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