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Finally made the plunge..AGAIN. THoughts?

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Hello All,


First I'd like to start by thanking this forum itself for being such an integral part of my research and decision making. The support from the patients and doctors on this forum is truly a fantastic thing.


So here's my story:


I have had two transplants so far, both by Dr. MEshkin. First one was in 2010 and I had 1300 grafts with amazing results that lasted for about 4 years, at which time my native hairs in between the transplanted hairs began to fall out. I was no on Propecia at the time, which I'm still beating myself up for.


Fast forward to yesterday in which I'm on my day 1 post op from a procedure than yielded 2050 grafts as seen in the pictures below. My experience with Dr. Meshkin went well, he was nice and professional. I noticed he would try and start some small talk me at the time of the numbing needles going in, which was the most painful part, so that I wouldn't feel the pain. HAHA nice try doc, I appreciated the effort but I still felt the pain. Recovery so far has been decent, sleeping the first night was rough but overall I'd say I'm happy with the results.


I wanted to do 3,000 grafts on my second one to ensure density, but the doctor mentioned that because of my first procedure it would be difficult to yield that many. I'm still unsure about his reasoning, as I've seen 4,000+ grafts in one procedure. This is where you all come in for opinions that I'd greatly appreciate. I know I'll need another one in the future if I want true density, but I have 2 main questions i'd like answered.


Question 1: Do you think with a total of 3,350 grafts placed in the frontal third portion of my head, I will be able to achieve above average density?


Question 2: Does it really look like 2,050 grafts were placed? I mean, I guess I can sit there and count somehow, but for those who are experienced, I'd love to hear your thoughts.


I've included my pics from right before my second surgery and right after it as well.


I'd LOVE to hear some feedback fellas. Thanks!





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Question 1: Do you think with a total of 3,350 grafts placed in the frontal third portion of my head, I will be able to achieve above average density?


The idea is to create the illusion of density, not surpass or even match it. I certainly hope you're not expecting above average density from any transplant. I think you'll have ome cosmetic improvement, however that's a fairly big area for the number of grafts that have been placed there.


Question 2: Does it really look like 2,050 grafts were placed? I mean, I guess I can sit there and count somehow, but for those who are experienced, I'd love to hear your thoughts.


IMO, its hard to tell since it blends with your existing hair. I doubt Dr. Meshkin put anything less than what you've paid for.


I have a couple questions.


What made you choose Dr. Meshkin twice? I have no opinion on him since I never researched him. I'm just curious if he's local to you and that's why you've chosen him. If that is the case, I think it may have been a mistake to not consider other Doctors. I think you would have benefited from a larger number of grafts and I wonder if you'd contacted H&W and they had you doing scalp stretches how much more could have been harvested.


Secondly do you have timeline photos? To get the most honest an accurate responses we'd have to to see where you started along with final results of transplant one when things were at their peak.


Deff stick with the FIN and happy growing!

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You only live once....Thank you for your reply. I'm not expecting full density but I asked the doctor to do 3,000 grafts on my second procedure and he said "I don't need that many" so I really had no rebuttal. He also claimed that it's very hard to get more than 2,000 grafts for a second procedure so I just took his word for it. . In regards to why I chose him twice it was because of location (less than a 15 minute drive) and he is very moderately priced. He's also a very nice man and my first procedure went fairly smooth.

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