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Dr. Hasson 5798 Grafts FUT day 1/1,000 FUE day 2/7 months post-op

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FUT followed by FUE the next day is becoming increasing popular to achieve the maximum number of grafts in one visit. It was determined enough grafts could be harvested to restore the front and mid scalp via strip and the remaining grafts needed to complete the crown could be performed the next day. Day one consisted of 5798 FUT grafts of which 1413 were single hair grafts, 4135 doubles and 250 were 3-4 hair grafts. The next day 1,000 FUE grafts using a .85 mm punch were extracted. This patient is his mid 20's from the States wanted maximum density up front and with a large overall balding area, a lighter coverage for the crown was the expectation. He has average to above average donor density and texture and was on Finasteride at the time of his procedures. These photos were taken 7 months post-op. While the front is quite impressive at this stage, Dr. Hasson expects the crown to continue to improve over the next several months.









I am a salaried employee of Hasson and Wong since 2001. Opinions expressed are my own.


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