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A wonderful journey with Dr. Resul Yaman!!! (11/25/2016 – 5150 Grafts)


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First of all a big thanks to Hair Restoration Network (HRN) Committee. I’m following this website for a while. This helps lot of people.


I personally Thank Dr. Yaman and Fikret for taking a great care of me while I was in Istanbul.


Attached Before and after head shaved pictures, also Attached immediate and 1 week post op pictures for your reference.


Just a background...:

I’m currently 39 year old, originally from India and staying in USA for 11 years, my hair loss stared around 7 years ago and by 2013 I was bald…


So browsed through different website and got lot of information. I decided to do only FUE Hair transplant. Looked at different doctors in India who does FUE and I consult with only one doctor in India (Bangalore). Sent my pictures to them, they looked at my donor area said they can do FUE. But they said they can able to extract maximum of 2500 to 3000 grafts. I’m ok with that. Even though he was not recommended by HRN I decided to go with him. I booked the appointment with them on December 2014. I went to India on 2nd week of December. For some customs reason I had to do head shave which happened a week before the FUE operation. The operation was on 26th December 2014. I went to clinic on that day. Dr. glanced through my donor and he said for FUE he can extract maximum of 1600 grafts (that too he was not sure, he check with his assistant), and then he suggest me to do FUT combined with FUE. I don’t know what was going on. I was really mad :mad: at that point. I told them that “like I said before I don’t want to do FUT” and left from there. Totally waste time and the money.


Then for a while I didn’t even think about Hair Transplant.


Research and Consultation Again…:

I went to India on August 1st week. This time also for custom reason I had to do my head shaved. Back to USA on August 31, 2016.


After came back to USA, I decided to go for Hair Transplant. This time I wanted to go only with doctors who are recommended by HRN. So I have chosen 5 recommended doctors. Two from USA, two from Turkey and one from India.


So I contacted the first USA recommended doctor, He was nice a doctor. We had couple of session one over the phone and other skype one. He suggest to go with FUT. So I decided to not go with him.


I didn’t consult the other USA recommended Dr. because of some bad reviews I have seen on other forums.


So I left with only three other doctors. I have sent before shaved head pictures to two Turkey Doctors through email.


On next to next day I got a detailed response from the other Turkey doctor. The email was describing everything. Also they mentioned about rough number of grafts need to cover my head. Based on the email I understood that they can able to extract required number of grafts. And I was happy.


I didn’t get reply from Dr. Yaman. I browsed through HRN forums and found that Dr. Yaman clinic will quickly respond if we contact through WhatsApp. So I contacted them through WhatsApp and told him that I have sent email but didn’t get reply. Fikret replied that he will talk to Dr. Yaman and get back to me. Got an email response from Fikret next day with all the details. In the email reply he mentioned that my donor looks good, Dr. Yaman can able to extract 5000 grafts and also there was my picture with hairline drwan. I was quite happy with details.


Since I had bad experience with Bangalore doctor first time, I decided to send my shaved head pictures to both of them to make sure that there won’t be any last minute surprise.


I have also sent email to other Indian recommended doctor with my before and after head shaved pictures.


Two days later I got a reply from Dr. Yaman saying that my donor area looks good. Do not worry about it we can extract what we discussed. Dr. Yaman also recommended me to take Propecia (Note: other doctors also mentioned in their email reply to take Propecia), I said no. As an alternative Dr. Yaman recommended to take Biotin + Saw Palmetto. This seem OK for me then I started taking it.


Three days later I got reply from India Dr. saying that there is a mismatch between my donor and the recipient area. So I’m not a candidate for Hair Transplant.


Week later got a detailed response from the other Turkey doctor saying the same that my donor area are less so they can’t do Hair Transplant.


I was worried. I contacted Fikret again to setup a Skype video call with Dr. Yaman to show my head to confirm. Fikret set it up and we had Skype call. I showed my head to Dr. Yaman, he looked at everything. He again said, my donor are really looks good and he can extract what was promised. I was happy then.


Next Steps...:

1. Wanted to do Hair Transplant during the Thanksgiving holidays. I contacted Fikret and got appointment for November 24, 25, 26 and 27th.

2. Booked the flight ticked to Istanbul, Turkey on November 23rd and return back to SFO on November 27th.

3. Turkey visa - Simple process to get e-visa over online costing USD 46. Took e-visa.

4. Cash in Euros to pay.



Couple days before departure contacted Fikret, He replied with all the details. He also sent me the supporting documents for immigration and where I will be picked up in IST airport.


Reached Istanbul on November 24th evening, deriver was waiting outside the baggage claiming area and he dropped me to Hotel. Nice hotel with free wifi and breakfast. Fikret asked me to take reset and the operation will be on following day.



Next day morning at 8:30am Fikret picked me from hotel to clinic. Around 9:00am I met Dr. Yaman and he looked at my donor area, density, hair caliber and etc., he was listening my expectation also suggest what will be good for me. One thing I would say he was completely focused. He said ~5100 grafts will be required cover my entire head. As promised he said we can extract ~5000 grafts. I also mentioned that to take some beard grafts if needed. Dr. agrees for that.


Hairline drawn, Dr. was asking about my hairline I said I happy with hairline. That’s all started my operation.


Dr. took care of hairline, incisions and instructed team about the extraction and implant. The bad part is local anesthesiaaaaaaaa oh my god what a pain.


Young team and experienced technician extracted the grafts. As soon as the grafts were extracted immediately implanted by the team.


Every now and then Dr. Yaman and Fikret stopped by to monitor the progress.


Had lunch in clinic itself.


After all head grafts are implanted, Dr. Yaman had a look and felt need some more grafts. So he himself extracted some grafts from my beard and the team implanted it.


Left the clinic by 8:00PM with 5150 grafts implanted.

Single Grafts :1290

Double Grafts :2830

Multiple Grafts :1030


Post Procedure…:

The very next day bandage wad removed and following day was washing. They taught me the post-op care. That’s all the same day depart back to SFO.


Istanbul is 11 hours ahead of SFO time and I was really amazed any questions & concerns asked were immediately addressed even in mid night.



I have attached post op and one week post op pictures. I will not be able to update weekly or monthly progress.

Note: I will update only after 6 months or a year pictures.












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  • Senior Member

Thanks for sharing your journey thus far! Please keep us updated as there are many people on this forum (myself included) who are very keen to see more of Dr Yaman's results posted from actual patients. Hope you get a fantastic result!

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