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Proscar Dosage


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I've noticed that some Doctors tend to prescribe 1/4 proscar every other day, while others prescribe 1/4 proscar every day. Is this just a matter of the doctor's preference, or are there factors which go into that recommendation (e.g. age, amount of hair loss, side effects, etc)?





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I've noticed that some Doctors tend to prescribe 1/4 proscar every other day, while others prescribe 1/4 proscar every day. Is this just a matter of the doctor's preference, or are there factors which go into that recommendation (e.g. age, amount of hair loss, side effects, etc)?





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While I have used 'every other day' dosing (QOD) in the past, I feel it is best (if tolerated) to use 'daily' dosing (QD). The research supports QD dosing over QOD dosing to keep the systemic DHT levels suppressed. The only reason I now use QOD dosing is if a patient has decreased sex drive on QD dosing.

Brad Limmer, MD/jac icon_wink.gif


Dr. Limmer

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