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Hi Everyone,


Long time lurker first time poster. I've been to about every site there is and have to say, You Guys Rock! Very good group of informed supportive people. :D


Butt rubbing aside here is some about me:


I'm 41 now first noticed changes in my hair around 20 (maturing maybe?) which wasn't hard because i was a long haired rocker and the shower drain doesn't lie.


early 20's went to the bigger hair mills of the time: MHR, Bosley, Ziering once he left MHR. Was basically told 600-800 grafts. So glad i didn't do it. when i look back i'm surprised anyone would have suggested a HT at all


went on propecia at 23 and have been on ever since. so about 17 years. use nioxin on and off and have tried a good deal of the "pro hair" products on the market. no minox yet


my hair maintained pretty well through the years till about 38 and then my hairline really started to bother me. the faux hawk was working pretty well but i didn't like the eroding corners and started clipper shaving my head. that was ok, i have a decent skull, but as of late my one corner is eroding not giving the same outlined look and its consuming me.


Im now strongly considering a transplant. I like the results of: Konior, Rahl, Feriduni, Lorenzo and was considering one of them.


So that brings me here. Hoping for any opinions,suggestions, advice etc..




Id say im a norwood 3. sound about right?


i like the faux hawk with a tight fade on side and back so def. fue, yes?


could a doctor match the density of my surrounding hairline or is that being unrealistic?


would most of you say youre happy with your results?



Thank you for reading my post and for any info!


Here are pics to show where im at. hairline, what id like to fix, bad left corner, top down, crown, right side







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  • Regular Member

I think they could match it.

Many here would think that your current state is fine without surgery. (It would be better if you posted some pix with your hair longer.)


Happy to know that you had started on Propecia/finasteride early. Maybe soon on minoxidil.


As for me, I'm happy with my result after 3 HTs (see my profile).


Good luck with what you decide. :)

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Thanks for the reply, Coolhair. looking good btw!


were your subsequent procedures for additional loss or wanting to add density? who was your Doc?


i can try and find most recent longer hair pics.. i haven't started minoxidil yet because of some of the posts i've been seeing about face aging, eye circles and such. any exp with that? i will probably give it a shot.

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  • Regular Member
Thanks for the reply, Coolhair. looking good btw!


were your subsequent procedures for additional loss or wanting to add density? who was your Doc?


i can try and find most recent longer hair pics.. i haven't started minoxidil yet because of some of the posts i've been seeing about face aging, eye circles and such. any exp with that? i will probably give it a shot.


Thanks. Each procedure was to add density. Since I've been on finasteride (+ minoxidil) as long as you have AND eating very healthy (+ hair supplements), I could honestly say I pretty much stopped my hair loss. At least I think so, because each hair wash I could only count about 10 to 15 hairs. Yeah, some people here would find that hard to believe. Plus, my daily diet is solely for my hair health and grown and grey prevention--not listed on my proifile.


I had a local doctor did the procedures, Dr. SC Chang. He's not well known compare to those listed here. However, I believe the technicians were also key.


As for face aging and eye circles and so forth, I think you're not suppose to go to bed when minox is still wet. Your face may be in contact with that stuff. I apply minox hours before bed, so it normally would be dried by then. In addition, my diet is also an anti-aging regimen. So I don't think I get those.


Yea, more pix would be great. :)

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  • Senior Member

Dude! Your hair is in great shape, and you seem to be the perfect candidate for having your hairline restored - which should be a pretty simple and straightforward procedure with the right surgeon. Good for you for being so proactive at a young age and being in such a great position at 41, not to mention dodging a major bullet by avoiding Bosley all those years ago. :)


You mentioned you like keeping your hair really short on the sides, so keep in mind that even with FUE, there's a chance you may not be able to go as short as you would normally like. You won't have the strip scar that FUT gives you, but sometimes the little tiny dots/scars from FUE keep you from being able to go crazy short. Just something to think about.


That being said, my FUE scars healed beautifully and I've not been able to detect any signs of scarring in my donor area no matter how short I've gone on the sides. And even in FUE cases where they do turn out slightly visible, I don't think it's something that's particularly jarring visually - or even something that anyone else would even notice.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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