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Does this matter at all?


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Something I was thinking about but could not really find an answer for. So as I understand it your mother has a 50/50 chance of getting her x chromosome from her father and passes it down to you, this is why people think baldness in part comes from maternal grandmother. How much does your mother's hair color play a part in this?


I mean to say my maternal grandfather for example had black hair; my maternal grandmother has blond hair and so does her whole family. My mother has blond hair like her mother, and I have blond hair like her. On my mothers side her father was bald with dark hair, her brother had light hair and was not, and everyone on my maternal grandmothers side all had blond hair and showed no baldness. Both my uncles have blond hair and are not bald and their children are not bald. My dad's whole family has black hair and not much baldness, dad's hairline is receding at 60, but still has a fair amount of hair, his father has full head of hair.


So my general question I guess does it matter for me that I have blond hair like my mother and her mothers side of the family that has no baldness as opposed to her fathers side of the family that has black hair and has shown some baldness. Because my mother has hair like her mother does it mean she got her x chromosme from her mother not her father? or is this completely irrelevant?

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This is just something i was thinking about but could not really find any information on. From what i have heard people say to look to family to see what your hairloss pattern might be like, so i light of that i thought that who you most resemble in your family might have some bearing on hairloss.

Fingers crossed at 27 not to take after my moms dad, the only bald person in the family lol.

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  • Senior Member

Everybody in my family has the same hair color, so I can't give examples from my family.


But most traits are not linked like this. Odds are that hair loss and hair color are on entirely different chromosomes and there's you can get either combination of any of them. In fact, baldness is probably controlled by multiple genes.

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  • Senior Member

Just an anecdote...


My mother's father was a NW6. She has very fine hair herself and I would say that my hair characteristics follow hers more than my father's. He always had very thick hair with no loss at all. My hairloss is stable but even before I started the fin I had more hair than my mother's father did at the same age, so thankfully I have not inherited everything from him.


My brother, who also has fairly minor hairloss, has thicker hair more like my father's. No baldness on that side of the family at all really.


So my brother and I are both experiencing hairloss, but we both have differing hair characteristics overall, seemingly passed from both sides of the family. It would appear that whatever genes are involved in hairloss and hair characteristics that are passed down might combine in an unpredictable way.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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It was just something i was thinking about, no real science behind it. Only mothers father side has any baldness, mothers mother and fathers side has none. I just don't want the curse from the only bald guy in my family, so i have become super paranoid about it because i allways heard it comes from mothers father.

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Genetic hair loss can come fro either side of the family. One or the other or a combination of both. It can even skip a generation. Unfortunetly, there is no current way to determine exactly which hair genes a patient has inherited from his/her parents. If I could just figure that out a way to see into the patients future I probably would be able to retire soon.

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