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Two FUE HT within consecutive weeks

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Hi all,

Its my first post in this forum. I would like to fly to Dr. Tejinder Bhatti's clinic in coming December. (Will post new thread on that with detailed follow up stories and pics). My plans are given below. Inviting your suggestions.


First of all, All I need is a thick densly packed scalp. :) I already mailed Dr. Bhatti with my scalp pics. He said that I shall need around 4500 scalp grafts and this shall be done over one day. According to him, It is possible to get the procedure done in a single stage over one day using 3500-4000 scalp grafts and around 600-800 beard grafts from the shadow area beneath the chin. If donor area permits, I may try to make it 5000 grafts while I meet him. I've seen a case of 5000 grafts from Dr. Bhatti in a single session.!!


I heard that it'll be far better if anyone can go for more than one HT surgeries. So I decided the same of one more surgery in near future. My first doubt is, after the first HT, can I go for 2nd surgery after 3 months? Or is it possible to do with a giga-session of 2 consecutive weeks? What are your opinion experts? (Sorry for my bad language skill)

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Hi Kiran,


Welcome to the forums! Dr. Bhatti is a great surgeon so if you end up choosing him I'm sure you'll get a great result.


A case of 5000+ grafts in one session is certainly possible, but bear in mind that the more grafts in a single procedure, the more trauma to the scalp and the more healing too. Ultimately, this is something to decide upon with your chosen surgeon. If Dr. Bhatti feels comfortable that 4,500 - 5,000 grafts are achievable in one session and you feel confident in him and happy with that plan, it is certainly possible.


Regarding a second surgery, there are a few things to bear in mind. The first thing is that all hair transplantation is about demand and supply. You only have a limited number of follicles in your donor region that can be moved to the top of your head - usually this is about 6 - 7,000. Therefore, you have to plan how you use these follicles wisely. Most people can get about 6,000 grafts over two or more surgeries, and you can use body or beard hair to gain even more grafts, but you do not have an unlimited supply to put on top of your head - this is a particular consideration if you have a large amount of balding head and/or your balding is not stable.


Usually a second procedure wouldn't be undertaken until at least 9-12 months after the first one. This is to both give your head a chance to heal and also to let the transplanted hair grow and mature, so that the surgeon can see the results of the first transplant and make better decisions about how to approach the second transplant. I believe it is in theory possible to have a second procedure sooner, particularly if that procedure concentrates on a different area of the scalp (say for example, the first procedure focusing on the frontal third, the second the crown) but all this must be decided upon with your surgeon and caution is needed.


The main thing is to have realistic goals and a quality surgeon to help you achieve them. Dr. Bhatti is a recommended physician and a quality hair transplant surgeon, so you will be in good hands with him! However having a very densely packed scalp is often difficult, particularly if you have a lot of balding. That is not to say you cannot get great results, but because there is not unlimited donor hair, we must make choices and have a realistic plan and set of goals.


I'm sure Dr. Bhatti has had a good look at your pictures and advised you accordingly. A transplant of 4,500 - 5,000 grafts should be able to get you a good result, with some grafts for a second procedure at some stage too. Best of luck!

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Hi KiranJainn,


From your display pic, it seems that u have extensive balding. You need to manage your expectations and be careful about each and every donor graft.


I think you have roughly 200cm2 of are to be transplanted. Average native graft density is about 70 per cm2. But roughly half of it is enough to create an illusion of density. Thus you would need 200*35= 7000 grafts to create an illusion of density throughout the scalp. Note that you can never dense pack as you dont have sufficient donor grafts to do that. It is not advisable to dense pack high norwood people


I can understand your need to transplant as much as possible as soon as possible. But I urge you to be patient and think it through. I have seen many people transplant large amount of grafts in multiple surgeries. Most do it over years. Soe do it over days/weeks. Check out harin's thread. I believe he had 9000 grafts (both scalp and beard) transplanted in multiple sessions in consecutive weeks.


Which ever path you choose to go, please remember that there is no turning back.

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Thank you n00b. I already discussed this with Dr. Bhatti. He replied that good result is achievable with 5000 grafts in single session. By reviewing my donor area pics, his primary comment was 4500 (800 beard grafts) is possible. According to Dr. Bhatti, I have to wait for 6 more months after first HT. Lets hope for the best.

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