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SMP Story ~ General Advice

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Okay, so I received SMP from HIS in Chicago back in January of this year. I am in my early 20s and had been steadily thinning since 16, it had started to become noticeable my Sophomore year of college. First, as my username suggests, I would certainly recommend getting your treatment done in Chicago. There is a lot to take in. Many wonderful stories and some that are fairly scary. I would say take the leap. Especially by going to a more established location.


Before receiving the treatment, I was just so damn self-conscious and uncomfortable all the time. I would check the mirror roughly 15-25 times a day just to watch the process unfold. I imagine most/all of you are in the same boat now.

The treatment just allows you to regain some confidence back in your life. I am now very comfortable with myself, which is a first in over 6 years.



This was after 3 sessions. I plan to get another this summer while it is still covered, since my sides are still just a bit too light/faded. Overall, I really haven't experienced much fading. I do try to not be out in the sun much.


For treatment advice, I would have an idea of the hairline you want, but it will likely be too low and the practitioner will adjust it, but give them your thoughts. Don't be shy.

As for the pain, I thought the first treatment was extremely painful. 7-8/10. I was shaking after the session from clenching my arms and tightening my legs. I did not take any pain meds for the first one. I did for the 2nd (wasn't bad at all, and this is where the majority is filled in). I forgot for the 3rd, but it didn't hurt much at all. Definitely recommend taking something though.


You will likely shed some skin after the fact. I waited an extra few days before washing. I just wore a hat when I was at work for a few days. Would shave by Wednesday (5 days later) and just rinse with water. Then around day 7, I would use a baby shampoo.

I had followed their timeline and washed earlier my first treatment, but I definitely shed the most after the 1st compared to waiting an extra few days. No idea if this actually made a difference.


For follow-up care, anti-shine is a must. I would recommend the "milk of magnesia" over any traditional products. Its cheap and does not have tons of toxic ingredients. You'll find it in any laxative/stomach section of your pharmacy. Initially, I did not shave my head. I would buzz it on a 0, but with that, the texture difference was noticeable up close. I started shaving soon after with an electric foil shaver (I use a bald-eagle one ($120), but its a nice product. However, there are various cheap ones.)The moral here is that I recommend actually shaving rather than buzzing. And as per the frequency of shaving, I have to daily (really isn't bad).



***Some general advice, not a single person has noticed. Not one. Just saw my family a few weeks ago for the first time since the treatment. Not one. Having it be subtle is certainly a plus, but my point is that realistically, this treatment will make little difference to your overall appearance. However, it will greatly assist you in feeling comfortable in your own skin, which is incredible. Whether you choose to get the treatment or not, life won't be that different from what it is now. SMP allows you to carry yourself a little higher and to not make excuses for why things went wrong or worse yet, scare you into inaction, which is the main problem with losing your hair. You frequently become a passive participant in your own life. You really need to learn to break those habits.

I was depressed for several years. Some was definitely due to my hairloss, but a lot just came from isolating myself from others and opportunities. Getting SMP gave me a big boost, but I was still depressed for several months after. It wasn't until I started becoming more involved in my life that things picked up.


I don't want to pretend to know anyone's story, but I imagine we share many parallels. I advise that you take the leap and try it. Worst case, you wasted some time and end up having it removed. Also, for anyone that is thinning and chooses not to do this, I still recommend shaving your head. It frees you up quite a bit. Good luck everyone.




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  • Senior Member

Great information! Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sure your insights will help those considering SMP to have realistic expectations.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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