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Dr. Pathomvanich/Bangkok - FUE?

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Hi to everyone here in this forum,


I posted already my case several month ago. As I am from Germany living and working in Vietnam I was investigating good hair docs near by. Here in this forum Dr. Path is recommended and with a lot of experiences. So Bangkok is near by my place and my question is, if he is a good performer also in FUE, cause normally he was recommended for FUT, what I would like to avoid cause of the big scar. I was quoted by several docs around 2500 grafts and also H&W said FUE will be better for me. Has anyone experiences with FUE by Dr. Path or any other recommendations ? Thx for your feedback what I highly appreciate!

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Dr. Path is an outstanding surgeon. In my opinion, he is definitely worth considering. I noticed that you're asking specifically about FUE. To be honest, I have not seen a lot of his FUE work. It's unfortunate that many outstanding surgeons haven't taken the time to share a lot of their FUE work like they have with their strips work. In my opinion, I suggest consulting with the clinic and scheduling an in person consultation. You can then ask about his FUE procedure and have him show you examples of his work and results in person.


In fact, I think I want to send an email to our doctors about a number of things, but in particular to encourage them to present examples of their FUE work especially because patients seem to have an increased demand for it.


That said, I encourage you not to be overly dogmatic about FUE. The only real advantage to it is that it will not produced a linear scar that strip surgery does. But in most cases, the linear scar associate it with strip surgery is pencil and easily concealed by existing hair on the sides and back of your scalp, even short hair. So unless you want to wear your hair cropped to buzz cut or only need a really small procedure and will only ever need a small procedure, you may be more suitable for strip procedure.


I hope this helps.



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