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Hair Transplant with Dr. Scott Boden Yesterday

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After five years since having my first FUT transplant at a chain clinic, I was ready to restore my hairline/forelock again. This time I wanted to have an FUE, I also was very interested in utilizing Acell/PRP for my procedure which I did not have during my first hair transplant.


I found Dr. Boden through the IAHRS website while looking for surgeons in the Massachusetts/Connecticut area and decided to have a consult with him. He recommended 1200 grafts for my FUE and finally yesterday I went to have it done. Overall, I'm completely happy with my experience with Dr. Boden and his staff. When I first got there for our live consultation he measured my scalp and realized he would need a tiny bit more grafts to fill the area than what was estimated by online photos, he provided those extra grafts for free, and perhaps even a bit more grafts to get the "A++" results. That made me feel real happy. While he was drawing my hairline pre-op he reminded me that the design was a collaborative decision, which was very thoughtful. While getting ready to have a hair transplant, a patients mind can be going bit fast-paced and reassurance from a doctor is an important thing. We made a slight adjustment to my hairline angle on the right side of my face which we were both happy with.


During the surgery Dr. Boden meticulously used several of his extraction tools (sharp punch/dull punch/ A Cole instuement etc.) and maintained communication with his technicians who were in the room separating the follicles into dishes. He was getting feedback to make sure that the grafts were coming out in the best shape throughout the surgery, and evaluating which tool was working the best for my scalp. Very efficient in my opinion.


The staff was very nice and had all been involved in hair restoration for about 10(+) years. We had fun throughout the day changing the channel on the Pandora station and discussing some of my work at Follicle Thought. It was pleasing to describe some of the new cutting edge hair regeneration technologies to the doctor. We had plenty of laughs and I felt like I was around good people for sure. As of today I am in no discomfort at all, what a difference from my first HT, which is understandable. It's the next morning now and I don't even feel a need for the pain medication that was prescribed, let a lone a tylenol. I'm excited to see my results and what the PRP/ACell will do for my crown which was not operated on.


A novelty tidbit is I had at least one 6 hair follicle unit.extracted. I thought that was pretty good, the staff said the only number they had seen higher than that was a 7 hair graft once before.


Obviously, since my HT was performed yesterday I do not have any results images to share. Check back on my Follicle Thought blog for photos in the future.



Joseph @ Follicle Thought


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