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Can new hairs still pop out at 4 months??

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I know what most of you guys will say but I'm getting just a bit nervous. I've had 2 procedures by 2 of the most qualified in the country.... The second, I believe, was much better though. I don't want to say his name just yet but he's in Chicago and one of the best. Most will know who he is. It's only been 4 months but 1 little area in the front, of course right in the middle, hasn't 'sprouted' yet. What I'm trying to ask is if I could still see new hairs pop out at this point because most others have already popped out. I do see a few more sprouting now but not in that 1 little section. I know I still have a little while to go but would really hope new hairs start popping out of this little section. Hopefully someone could give me some reassurance. Thanks

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longer answer -


Your only at the very start of our growth. Most of us only begin to have the grafts grow from 4 months onwards.

So you should not be worried whatsoever. You chose a good Dr and you have had the procedure before.

I'm sure last time you saw grafts grown from 4 months onwards?

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First time I really wasn't looking at my growth with a magnifier like I am now. Even though my first was with a very well known and qualified surgeon I wasn't extremely happy with his results. They weren't bad but I have friends with a lot less to start and have had only one. Also he said I wasn't a candidate for FUE while ever other doc said I was. I first went to a very conservative well known doc in NYC who offered FUE but was so conservative on the placement of the line I decided to go to the other. So that annoys me now thinking back. He also never called me back when I asked for the final graft amount.,the second was a different and, I think, better experience. Much tighter and better placement it seems. He did 2400 grafts. But I'm seeing this little spot where theres not too much growth. So you think more hairs can pop through?? Also I saw your profile on your scar revision while getting your last FUE...I'm thinking of that down the road. How did it come out?? Thanks

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They will start growing from 4 - 6 months so you should be fine. I have seen some others areas lag behind but catch up eventually.

I had scar revision when I knew I wasn't having anymore FUT (all stripped out)


It went really well actually. Much less noticeable now. Its down to Dr skill as well as your own skin conditions.


Showed that mine wasn't closed very well to begin with. Especially after I had the 2nd FUT done. It was stretched and now its much less so.


I was lucky enough to get mine revised free when I had my last FUE done. And in future I would even consider putting in some BHT (beard) in to it.

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What exactly do you mean when you say revision?? The actual scar is made less side somehow?? I've had 2 fut's so i guess it's as wide as they have to make it... My concern at this point has been some shock loss in the donor area. If I grow my hair a little longer you can't see but if you shave it, and not even that close, you see a little thinness in the donor area. It seems like it's growing back though. Hopefully just a little shock loss after surgery. I'm not exactly at 4 months yet... But I'd like to know what they did to 'revise' your scar. I've heard of transplanting hairs into the scar like you're saying with your beard..

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