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Hair Transplant 1 Month Update


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Hey guys, this is an update one month post op:


Just a quick recap, I got my hair transplant done with 2800 grafts just over a month back by Dr. Gaurang Krishna @ Medlinks in Delhi, India.


For anyone interested in the Video version of this update, please go ahead and watch it here: https://youtu.be/JtoPOKxg-Eg


Else you can read everything here :D :


My donor area still hasn’t healed completely. Although there isn’t any pain, but I do feel that it’s still quite sensitive to the touch. I still have a weird patch which marks out my donor area, which I expected to go by the first month but it hasn’t; because of which I am still covering my head with caps in public, which I wouldn’t have if the donor area didn’t look like someone played a prank on me and mowed it while I was asleep. You must note that I haven’t trimmed my hair at all since my transplant.


Now coming to the planted area. I have shed a lot of the planted hair. Close to 90%.

I visited the clinic last week for a PRP session, and the doctor also said that I have shed more hair than was expected, but when he took a closer look, he told me that some new grafts have already started to grow. He told me that in few cases, it has been observed that you shed the grafts too soon and they start growing soon as well…….. Well; only time will tell.


Now as for the pain and numbness is concerned, my head still has those parts where some are too numb and some pain a bit on touch. The doctor told me that this is all a part of the nerve healing process, but in my case it is taking a little more time than usual. He also prescribed me a vitamin medicine for the same.


I don’t know if all this is happening only in my case or is all this normal. Please share your experience in regards to my case.




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Yes, that's what the doctor also said that it's shock loss for hair around the punches. And they'll slowly grow back. Also he assured me that once it's normal, I'll be able to zero trim my hair and no one will be able to tell that something happened.

But because of this, I can't be out in public without a cap, which I don't like.


Another 8 WEEKS :eek:


I have a trip and a cousin's wedding coming up in Jan :(



Watch my HT Journey through my YouTube videos


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I spoke to the doctor again, just to be sure since many guys scared me that 90% hair loss isn't normal. But he assured that it is completely normal and depends on person to person (same as i thought) and my hair could start growing this month also.


he told me that many of his patients don't loose more than 10% also and some also loose 90% as my case.


Fingers crossed. (Only for faster growth; i don't have doubts on it growing).



Watch my HT Journey through my YouTube videos


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