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Balding at 20 Years Old, Looking for Advice Please Help!

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Okay, let me preface everything by saying that this forum has really helped me cling to hope that something CAN be done and it isn't too late for me. Being only 20 years old I haven't got the money for a HT and I am sure that there are other ways to help. My balding started last year and I've still got a bit left on top so I'd like to avoid surgery at all costs and try everything else beforehand.


When I was younger I treated my hair horribly and I really do hate myself for it. I wasn't comfortable with the person I was so I dyed it and straightened it with a hot iron often. When I was around 17-18 I, like so many guys my age mutilated my hair with bleaching and repeated dying in the pursuit of an "edgy" look...my was I such a fool. I should've stopped when I noticed excess hair falling out while towel drying but I was young and in denial and my hair still looked thick as ever.


For a period of about 1 1/2 years I didn't wash my hair a lot as the oils that would build up would make my hair shinier and straighter without having to use a hot iron. It wasn't until a coworker said something that I realized I was thinning in my vertex. I immediately changed my hygiene habits regarding my hair but I fear that it's too late and that I have either killed my scalp or have sabotaged my locks in some other way.


As of now I am thinning in my crown and vertex (the latter is quite thin and I hate myself for it) and my hairline has receded quite a bit but if I could just promote growth and get things back to the way they should naturally be I can deal with my hairline being what it is. There is a history of MPB in my family, both my uncle and my father are balding but neither started till their late 40's mid 50's and on my mother's side my grandfather still had a full head of hair when he died so I am thinking it is more my doings than the horrid genetic lottery.


I have switched to thickening/volumizing shampoos and haven't dyed my hair since I started thinning, also I changed my diet to healthier foods and take 2000mg of Omega 3 Fish Oil every day but things seem to be getting worse. I have have read about Rogaine Foam but I am hesitant to try it because of possible shedding and the fact that I am not sure if you can use it on your crown. I haven't really got the money for Propecia or other expensive procedures/medications but if you guys could point me in the right direction I would be more than appreciative. Also, my girlfriend seems to think hot oil treatments might help, any truth to this? Would it stimulate/restore my damaged scalp?


Thank you! Sorry this post is so long!

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Okay, let me preface everything by saying that this forum has really helped me cling to hope that something CAN be done and it isn't too late for me. Being only 20 years old I haven't got the money for a HT and I am sure that there are other ways to help. My balding started last year and I've still got a bit left on top so I'd like to avoid surgery at all costs and try everything else beforehand.


When I was younger I treated my hair horribly and I really do hate myself for it. I wasn't comfortable with the person I was so I dyed it and straightened it with a hot iron often. When I was around 17-18 I, like so many guys my age mutilated my hair with bleaching and repeated dying in the pursuit of an "edgy" look...my was I such a fool. I should've stopped when I noticed excess hair falling out while towel drying but I was young and in denial and my hair still looked thick as ever.


For a period of about 1 1/2 years I didn't wash my hair a lot as the oils that would build up would make my hair shinier and straighter without having to use a hot iron. It wasn't until a coworker said something that I realized I was thinning in my vertex. I immediately changed my hygiene habits regarding my hair but I fear that it's too late and that I have either killed my scalp or have sabotaged my locks in some other way.


As of now I am thinning in my crown and vertex (the latter is quite thin and I hate myself for it) and my hairline has receded quite a bit but if I could just promote growth and get things back to the way they should naturally be I can deal with my hairline being what it is. There is a history of MPB in my family, both my uncle and my father are balding but neither started till their late 40's mid 50's and on my mother's side my grandfather still had a full head of hair when he died so I am thinking it is more my doings than the horrid genetic lottery.


I have switched to thickening/volumizing shampoos and haven't dyed my hair since I started thinning, also I changed my diet to healthier foods and take 2000mg of Omega 3 Fish Oil every day but things seem to be getting worse. I have have read about Rogaine Foam but I am hesitant to try it because of possible shedding and the fact that I am not sure if you can use it on your crown. I haven't really got the money for Propecia or other expensive procedures/medications but if you guys could point me in the right direction I would be more than appreciative. Also, my girlfriend seems to think hot oil treatments might help, any truth to this? Would it stimulate/restore my damaged scalp?


Thank you! Sorry this post is so long!

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  • Regular Member

hey man!


i don't think hot oil treatments will do anything to stimulate growth.


if in fact your mpb is a result of poor treatment, I think it would in time rehabilitate itself as long as you haven't actually killed/destroyed the follicles.


maybe go in and see a hair specialist who can look at your follicles under a microscope and continue to promote healthy care of your scalp. the only reason i say this is becuase if your family history is of healthy hair perhaps it is shedding because of how you have treated it in the past. on that note though, i have heard that sometime the 'hair loss gene' can skip a generation.


if none of this works, it looks like you might have to start taking propecia/proscar and/or start using rogaine.


good luck either way.

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