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Fue hair transplant UK overseas?


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Hi there . I'm new to the forum but have been suffering from hair loss for 10 or more years now. I'm 28 years old I have read up all about mpb . I've seen doctors about hair loss as well as paying for 2 appointments with HT doctors just to see the cost and there thoughts etc . 5 years ago I shaved it off to a number 0 and thoughts of HT seemed to die down. However over the last 2 years I has really started to bother me its always made me depressed and unhappy in life buy at the moment it's got out of control I don't want to socialise etc I'm depressed and hate how I look . I'm based in the uk and I'm looking for help on next steps recommendations. Also is it worth going abroad ie turkey etc?? I am 28 years old nearly 29 and believe my hairloss has been stable for the last 5 years now I'm receded at front and very thin at front . My donor area has lots of triples /doubles apparently from a surgeon I saw a long time ago .

Any help would be much appreciated s

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Hi thanks for the reply no I am not taking medication ie propecia etc .. I wanted to leave it and see how bad it got and always had in the back of my mind an age of 30. Now the time has come I'm 29 and want to look and feel better in myself .

Thanks for the recommendation I will certainly note the name and look into his work etc .

Is there a big difference In price from UK to Madrid

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  • Senior Member

I would get on the meds ASAP. You may see some re-growth and it will help to stabilise your hair loss.


Personally I don't see much point in the HT without being on Finasteride unless you exhibit side effects.


Get some appointments with decent doctors and see what the opinions are.


Prices in Madrid are similar to UK. For me personally the price wasn't the reason for choosing the surgeon.

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  • Senior Member
Hi again I've research a bit of Dr lorenzos work it does seem very good it also states in a few posts about him coming to a clinic in Manchester I'm I right in saying this ? As Manchester is 20 minutes from me thanks again


He was at the Farjo clinic for a year I believe but he is now back in Madrid.

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