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Curious as to FUE cost and other questions. . .

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A bit about me Mid 40s, middle eastern descent overall. I had 2 hair procedures in the course of a year 10 years ago for 1050 grafts at Bosley. They charge an arm and a leg! The improvement was marginal overall. Made my hair thicker and my bald spot at the back of my head became a thinning spot and still is as I use minoxidil and saw palmetto religiously. I did use finasteride but it hampered my game in the bedroom so to speak.


Anyways, it is 10 years later and I still have this thinning area at my the back of my head (the kind minoxidal works on) and I would like to take care of it or at least make it substantially better, and ideally make the hair all over my head thicker and if a doc can extend my hair line, great! I wish to do this now as it is a young man's game and I am not as young anymore and between jobs.


From the research I have done via this website and other places, I want to do the FUE procedure. I refuse to have a another scar or exacerbate the one I have as it is fairly thin and not as noticeable per say as it was 10 years ago. And from my readings, FUE heals better, etc.


I live in the SF Bay Area. Dr. Diep is in my area. I have no clue what he charges for FUE. Curious how much does he charge per FUE graft and what should be my price point? I did view Dr. Vories website and he is good enough to share that he charges which is $4 dollars a graft and I would want to do the maximum, 3000. However I have read elsewhere the most that most docs would do in a single FUE session is 2500 grafts. Or should I go overseas? Do they have the same standards? I would have to take into account the entire cost of travel and the procedure, etc.


Overall, I think I can budget 12 to 14k for 3000 FUE grafts, including travel, procedure, everything. And of course, I want the highest quality for a man of my hair type, which is thick and wavy. I remember the Bosley doc said I have the kind of hair ideal for transplantation in that it is thick and can cover more than thinner hair types.


Any replies would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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