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I’ll ask you to bear with me. I’ve been thinking about a hair replacement options since god was a boy. I suffer genetic male pattern baldness and I am definitely impressed by the FUE treatments. I’m European Caucasian and have thin hair on the parts of my head that I have hair remaining. I am aware of the branding that happens when vulnerable people seek out help for the issues they have.


When I look at the Donald trumps of this world or whoever it may be that look like they can afford to get a head transplant never mind a hair transplant I wonder why they have not chosen to. Especially when they wear elaborate mechanisms on their heads. Clearly money is not the obstacle, and lack of vanity is not the problem, so why do they not get hair transplants?


I am asking this because I worry that the whole hair transplant industry and this forum could be built on a lie. I really want to believe that FUE can and does work, but I also wanted to believe in Santa, and the possibility of the fulfilled wishes of Christmas. I’m over 40 now so I guess I should give up on that. With my attention turned to having my hair problems addressed I need somebody to give me an answer to my rational that makes sense.


I think that baldness is something that can be embraced, and for a part of my life I did that, but now that I am getting older I feel it is more of a sign of that very fact, that I am getting older. I was the victim of a serious assault in 2013 that left me in a coma and to some degree has left me traumatised since. I have started to rebuild my life and as part of that I want to make the physical me look as best as I can. If that involves a hair transplant then so be it.


If the results that Dr Lorenzo from Spain gets are even close to real then I want to do it. Could anybody please let me know why some of the world’s most wealthy people wear toupee’s? Actors like kevin Spacey and John Travolta, and I am only using them as very publicly known bald people who wear toupee’s but who haven’t chosen a hair transplant.


I am trying to understand this so I can move to the next level, consultation.


I eagerly await your replies.

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  • Senior Member

John, I'm really sorry to hear about the assault. That kind of thing must have a big impact on your life and I can understand why you'd be questioning all sorts of things right now. Life can be tough. Worth remembering there are a lot of wonderful, kind, hopeful, joyous things in life too.


Now, I'm not sure I'd put Trump into those latter categories. And none of us will know what or why any of those celebs have had done - or why they haven't had it done.


My best advice is to continue to research online. Get plenty of consultations with doctors and try to gauge what is achievable and if your expectations can be met. Also, if you can - and this is something I feel like I lack - meet patients who've had transplants. I'm with you on the nagging doubt that even the good results might be a bit underwhelming in reality. But remember, this is about creating the illusion of density with transplants - it's not going to give you the density (or likely hairline) you had at 15.


Good luck.

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Thanks for the kind words, but I have to pick myself up and move on and I apologise for the post but it was to put context on my decision making process while also trying to explain that I'm not a cynic, just a sceptic who'd happily listen to reason. I've done quite a bit of research and meeting transplantees seems to be a good idea, I am surprised that surgeons don't ask former patients to attend meet and greets so as to provide potential patients with the answers that seeing over reading provides.


I wasn't looking for answers about DT or KB or JT, they're used merely as a way of describing reasonable vanity but un-understanable employed solutions i.e. wigs versus transplants. Again I used the public profiles i did because they're easy to explain the point. I get that they may have a multitude of reasons for not doing something but they make a good case for why not? If Trump and Travolta and Spacey exist then there are many thousands who'll never be in any public eye who also have similar conditions and who have made their decisions.


I would have expected that somebody would know somebody who has chosen a route that involved a solution not involving a transplant and would have been able to explain what typically those reasons are.


Thanks again for your positivity but I was hoping for a more clearly defined answer that provided the specific answers I was looking for. I've done my research and I'm familiar with the snake oil people, the branding magicians and the downright lying shysters who'd smile at you while they rob you blind.


I can handle that they exist and that there are also people doing good work. I am asking the wrong questions? Surely I am not the first guy to ask this.


Once again to all I'll say your responses are truly valued and please comment or reply with your opinion, even if it's a stab in the dark or your opinion of why people might do one thing or another. Thanks

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  • Regular Member

Its hard to know why certain celebrity individuals don't proceed with hair transplants preferring other options perhaps lack of appetite for surgery/ poor doner but many have done so & very publicly acknowledged inc. Silvio Burlesconi, in the UK celebs such as Wayne Rooney, Calum Best, James Nesbit, Christian Jessen - in some of those cases multiple times.

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