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Is it still possible?

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So I started Propecia about nine months ago and stopped a month ago due to unwanted side effects. I am a young (23) fit and healthy guy..but i just didnt do well on the prop. I eat really healthy, im a vegan who focuses on mostly whole foods, i take MSM(3 G daily), Saw Palmetto and other vitamins and minerals. topically i use revivogen shampoo and conditioner daily, Dr. Lees Shampoo 2%Nizoral/3% Salicyilc Acid M-W-F, and Proctye Tricomin Spray every night....would i still be able to get an HT?? i am aiming for the end of this year beginning of next. im sure not everyone can handle the propecia, but still can get an effective long lasting HT. theres still hope for me right?icon_smile.gif thanks guys!

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  • Regular Member

So I started Propecia about nine months ago and stopped a month ago due to unwanted side effects. I am a young (23) fit and healthy guy..but i just didnt do well on the prop. I eat really healthy, im a vegan who focuses on mostly whole foods, i take MSM(3 G daily), Saw Palmetto and other vitamins and minerals. topically i use revivogen shampoo and conditioner daily, Dr. Lees Shampoo 2%Nizoral/3% Salicyilc Acid M-W-F, and Proctye Tricomin Spray every night....would i still be able to get an HT?? i am aiming for the end of this year beginning of next. im sure not everyone can handle the propecia, but still can get an effective long lasting HT. theres still hope for me right?icon_smile.gif thanks guys!

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  • Senior Member

Hi there mate you would be able to get a hair transplant performed but wait until your atleast 27 before you get it done as your to young.What stage is your hair at now? Ive just had 1300 grafts performed back in June 2004 check out my pictures at www.inperth.com.au/users/damo



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  • Senior Member



I don't quite understand what you are asking. Are you asking if it is alright to go forward with a hair transplant procedure if you are not currently on Finasteride?


If so, that would be a decision left for you and your physician to make.


Your age, family history, stabilization of hairloss, and other considerations will be factored in. If you are a good candidate for surgery and feel very strongly that you have stabilized your hair loss for an extended period of time with your current regimen (18 + months; take before/after pictures for documentation for yourself) then I would say that you should be able to then go forward with looking into a hair transplant if you are still interested.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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If you want to know if your a canidate, I suggest you go to one of the best surgeons in the industry- there are about 5-7 that fall into this category-- then do a consult to see if you are a HT surgery canidate.

If you asking if your too young at 23, well that is debatable. Preferably you want to wait as long as possible. I myself started at around 24 but was very conservative. SO if you do, be conservative because you will have to have more in the future.

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  • Regular Member

ok so the truth is that i wasnt really getting any side effects on the propecia, i just didnt want to be on a med forever..BUT...i just took some photos right now with flash and compared them to before i started prop..and they are BETTER!!!! it makes me want to go back on prop and stay on it!! i have been off for about a month now..did i fu*k myself up or can i just jump right back in on it..sorry guys for being so indecisive..im a libraicon_smile.gif thanks!!!

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