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post workout hair spray down


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  • Regular Member

Hi, Sometimes after a workout at night I'm too tired to take a shower so I just go to bed. However, leaving all the sweat and oil in my hair is probably bad for follicle health because follicles get clogged with gunk. Especially compounded by scalp stress from heavy cardio. Is there any type of spray that you bring to the gym with you and spray in your hair after a workout to help keep your scalp healthy?

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  • Regular Member

If you are concerned about your hair being dirty and greasy, take the extra time to take a shower. That's not very hard to do; it should only take a minute or two. If you are concerned about your hair loss (if you have any), start taking finasteride. That not very hard to do either. You'll be better off having done both things. Worrying about your follicles being clogged with "gunk" is a waste of your time and energy. "Gunk" may make you smell and look nasty, but it's not a big factor when it comes to hair loss.

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