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FUT 2500 Graft - Dr Marwan Saifi, AM-MED, Wroclaw, Poland

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I found this site very helpful when researching surgeons for hair transplants and doing your homework definitely pays off so felt it my duty to share my own personal experience in hope that it helps someone else considering a HT.


I arrived at Wroclaw Airport on 9th June and as arranged was met by Chris (taxi driver) who spoke very good English, 15 minutes later I arrived at the Art Hotel. The hotel is in heart of the city centre and has plenty of pubs and restaurants close by, the hotel is shabby-sheek style and the rooms are comfortable so no issues regarding accommodation provided.


The following morning I was picked up at 9.15am by the same taxi driver and taken to the clinic. Which is about 10 minute drive. On arrival I was warmly greeted and asked to take a seat in the reception area and offered a drink and asked to complete a medical questioner which took around 10 minutes which asked usual question I.e. allergies, family history, medical history etc.


At 9.45am I was met by Dr Saifi and taken to his office and we went through the medical questionnaire and we discussed my expectations, he also showed me some of his previous work and answered the questions that I had and this took to around 10am. He then looked closely at my donor area which he said was in great shape (having done the laxity exercise for the past 3 months I was relieved!) we then went onto discuss and plan my restored hairline. I relied on his experience and knowledge during this stage and we finally mutually agreed the recipient area so as not to look unnatural for my age or sparse for 2500 grafts.


I was then shown to a changing room / WC and instructed to removed my shirt and put on a surgical gown then went through to the treatment room and was introduced to his 4 female technicians and then given some oral drugs to help me to relax etc. Dr Saifi took several photos then with help from one of the Technician proceed to tape my hair and shave my donor strip area, then It was onto the treatment chair lying face down and he injected anaesthetic to numb the donor area. Dr Saifi then went to get his scrubs on whilst the anaesthetic took effect, on his return he explained clearly what he was about to do and gave instructions on how to position myself on the chair. The donor strip was then removed in 3 sections this allowed 2 of the technicians to start dissecting the skin grafts whilst the remaining strip removal was ongoing, once the complete strip was removed he closed the wound using the trichophytic closure method then removed the tape from my hair and we had a short 5 minute break, it was now about 12.30pm.


Then it was back onto the chair and my recipient area was prepared and then anaesthetised, Dr Saifi then explained the next part of the procedure of making the recipient holes and showed me the sapphire tipped tool that would he would use. He went onto make the incisions for the graft which took about 75 minutes I think, as drifted off to sleep at one stage. It was then time for lunch so we stopped for about 20 minutes and I was given a hot meal and side salad and a chance to stench my legs.


After lunch it was back onto the treatment chair to start implanting the grafts, this was carried out by Dr saifi and 2 of his technicians, however Dr Saifi who closely overlooked all stages of the implanting, this took about 4 hours during which time we stopped for a few 5 minute breaks, by 6.30pm it was all finished. Finally, a few more photos were taken I then got dressed and had another short meeting with Dr Saifi on post treatment care and medication then we said our goodbyes and the taxi took me back to the hotel.


The first night sleep after the op was as expected uncomfortable as the anaesthetic wore off and I found it hard to find a restful position, so only managed about 2 hours sleep and I also had a very loud snorer in the next room which didn't help even with ear plugs in!. At 5am I was picked up again by the same taxi driver and taken back to the airport and then homeward bound with my restored hairline.


It's been only 2 days since my HT and things appear to be settling down already my forehead is still slightly swollen and the strip is a bit itchy but pain is very minimal, so I just it's have to follow the aftercare instructions and play the waiting game for the growth to begin!


Overall, I have only praise for Dr Saifi and his team, I found they were very professional and the clinic was spotlessly clean and modern and could not fault any part of the procedure.


Before choosing my surgeon I did a fair amount of research and personally contact many of his past patients all who only had praise for him, I think my research paid off and to be honest had no reservations or concerns in choosing him for my HT. I found Dr Saifi very easy to speak too and he took time to explain each part of the procedure.


So anyone thinking about getting a hair transplant in my honest option you won't go wrong with Dr Saifi, but feel free to PM me if you have any question regarding my own experience.


I'll hopefully post some photos once I receive them from Dr Saifi.

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Thanks for your comments Yonex, it's good to share advice and experiences as there are so many surgeons both good and bad out there so it pays to do research before committing and this site is excellent in providing that. I have now uploaded a few photo to my profile and will add additional ones once I get them from the Dr.

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Congratulations Jimmy! I see you had exactly the same experience as I did and I am very happy for you. Now comes the hardest part, so when the crust has come off and the stitches are out just try to take your mind off it until month 4-6. I just posted new 4 mth pictures and as you can see, this is when the magic happens. Though not done, I am very happy with Saifi's work.


Happy growing!

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Thanks mklDK and Forest1975

I am really happy with the work Dr Saifi and his Technicians did and so far everything seems to be going well but still early days, the best thing about it know one apart from close family have any idea that I have even had it done!!, which is what I wanted hence why I choose FUT.

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