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Newbie First HT Done - Recommendations on supplements/products please help?

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Hi all:)


First off a little about myself and my progress. Balding runs in my family and i started losing my hair about age 20. I have twice used propecia but i seem to be one of those unlucky few who it had disastrous side effects for ( you could have two naked playboy models in the room with me and i wouldn’t be interested! not to mention it also seemed to effect my moods and made me more emotional) I am now 25 and decided i would get a hair transplant before it gets any worse


On May 19th I had a FUT hair Transplant done with Dr Radha. Originally from the photos i sent her she had thought i was a 3V however when i came in to see her it was deemed i was more likely a 3. She deemed that the density in my crown and middle areas although thinning was still too high to plant grafts there


-Approximately 2300 Grafts were used to restore my hairline. The transplant was easy and i slept through a lot of it. She was very helpful with all my questions. What she did recommend was that i would be a perfect Candidate for propecia - however i told her if i wish to keep my girlfriend and my libido this isn’t an option.


My questions are, and any help would be much appreciated:


1) Are there any supplements you recommend that could help or would help with maintaining the hair i have that have helped for people (other than propecia)???


2)When should i start applying minoxidil again? is it ok to apply it to the newly transplanted hairs? will it help / hinder


3) Does anyone have epxerience with topical RU-58841 and can recommend it or something similar?


4) What regime should i use Nizoral shampoo? A previous Dr i went to when i was younger said daily however i see most people only use it 2 times a week


5) Other than Nizoral, What is the best shampoo/conditioner combo to use on a regular basis to maintain hair / stop hair loss or increase the thickness of the hair? Previously i had been using Nioxin but i see not many people use it on here



Thanks for your help guys, much appreciated:)




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  • Senior Member

1) Biotin tablets, saw palmetto, grape seed extract, nettle root, pumpkin seed extract, pygeum, beta sitosterol, and many others though these are not as effective as Finasteride but still something is better to have than none.

2) You can start applying minoxidil after two weeks and yes you can apply it to your newly transplanted hairs, it will definitely boost your growth

3) No real experience regarding topical RU-58841.

4) Well its recommended to apply Nizoral twice a week, applying daily may dry your hair pretty bad!

5) Stick with Nizoral as it is FDA recommended

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Awesome thanks for your help Rawkerboi..... In regards to the supplements, are you aware of any product that has them all combined in it? Is it possible things like saw palmetto can have the negative effect on libido like propecia?

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  • Senior Member

No it won't affect your libido, though some users complain

But some of serious side effects are

Weakness,chest pain, uneven heartrate, nausea.

Well I will advise you to research more about saw palmetto

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