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Lost all of my frontal hair during the transplant

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So obviously im feaking out here.


I went to get the FUE procedure done. there was no shave of the recipient area (frontal hair line area).


Now i had hair in this area, not a ton, and it was thinning but there was clearly hair throughout the area.


the doctor poked the holes, all over my recipient area, and then for the next 3 hours the nurse's filled the holes with the grafts.


once i sat up, i looked in the mirror and all my original hair that was in that area was gone.


I absolutely did not expect that.


the way he explained it was that: "ya when we dont shave the recipient area, you end up getting a bit of a hair cut during the procedure"


Can anyone please help me understand if this is normal, and if this is permanent or if those original hairs will grow back?

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the density will drop due to the lack of visibility of empty areas which is why its a POOR idea to NOT shave the recipient area. and it takes much longer to perform since graft placement may take several hours. time is money.


the longer it takes to perform means the grafts are out of the body longer which is not good for grafts.


thats why shaving both recipient and donor area is recommended. they cut the hair down so they can see. it will grow back but there is always the possibility of shock loss to the native hairs.


post some pix. who was ur doctor?

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